More people are being woke up to these crimes against the children. I know once I realized how large the problem is, it has become the main focus of my blog, and books I have planned for self publishing.
I would caution against relying on any news source that is entrenched in a fixed side or position. They are all part of the plan to keep us arguing among ourselves while they continue on business as usual. One of the drawbacks to their internet they use to spy on all of us with is it gives each of us a voice to communicate with one another, bypassing their approved stories from their approved sources. There should be no left or right, all just a false narrative to keep the masses fighting.
Thanks for caring enough to delve into this. It does indeed take a toll on ones heart to understand what these sick perverts are doing.
I do not know how to avoid relying on certain news sites or people for learning what is happening and how the fight is developing. It is also natural that if you promote opinions that appeal to my own sense of right and wrong, I will end up quoting you.
For instance: I can see that many have weaknesses, like Alex Jones - but I do not care what anyone says about him, he is the person who did more to wake me to the evil of the globalists than anyone else, so I refuse to 'obey' those johnny-come-latelies who tell me he is a zionist, a nazi or just a sellout and that I should never quote him. Anyway, I find that many who are passionat about their beliefs sometimes make themselves sound stupid.
Anyway, thanks for your above comment, which has some very good points, but then I know you are a good poster and that you are a supporter of patriotic fighters. Once we have rid ourselves of the so-called elite (check and you'll be surprised how many of the corporate ones come from medium-low to low income families - but now the corporate backstabbing has turned them into elites and they look down upon their own families). I know some of them and have never had anything but contempt for them.
As for them being the Elite - from their point of view and from their place in the food chain, I am certain maggots also consider themselves the Elite.