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RE: Has Trump been trumped by the Deep State?

in #informationwar8 years ago

Just look at how he cozied up with the Democrats recently. And how he has gone neocon in less than 6 months.

Let's see how his deregulation scheme goes. That's probably the last hope of change that remains


one of the theories I've heard bandied about is that Trump wants people to vote in new congresscritters who will be more responive to the wishes of the populace...

the problem with that as a stratrgy is that new critters will be bought off as fast as the old ones were, and that there will be no punishment for the traitors.

w/o punishment, they will continue the corruption

but again, that aasumes Trump is serious

@Pgveer I do believe that Trump is focused on cleaning up the Swamp, but to do that he had to cede foreign policy back to 'the grownups' and that means Israel, the MIC and the neocons... or do I repeat myself?

I still expect (per my many posts on the subject) that he's getting ready to bodyslam the DNC over the Russia narrative/hack/bullshit. That's all lining up if you look really carefully, and most people aren't.

But, as far as the foreign policy is concerned, we're headed towards a very ugly few years as the geopolitical order rearranges itself and Trump's team is completely outfoxed by Putin and Jinping.

Of course he's winning when it comes to Russia. The "proof" of the direct involvment in slimmer than a sheet of pure gold. However, depending on how the healthcare debate goes, one house could easily turn blue.