Nope it's not on the computer, so lets give this another go :) Yes I very much agree that they are increasingly exposed .. but there is a part of me that ponders whether aspects of this exposure (there are also things they don't want out there) are deliberate. I have written fairly extensively about the occultic belief system of the EL ites and indeed displayed how this knowledge is hidden in plain sight. You see from an occult perspective, there is a fine line between awareness and acquiescence.
From a different perspective, the vast majority of people are still tied into the left/right paradigm, and so .. if both sides are owned there exists the possibility of one side riding in as a future saviour. Equally, I feel as though much of what we see playing out around us (the things that get everyone jumping up and down) are to a degree a smokescreen to hide the true agenda .. I believe that agenda to be the implementation of technological control grid and altering the definition of humanity, this appears to be both continuing unabated and equally gathering pace.
I very much believe that the future resides in all of our hands and that in the long term, humanity will rise above this control mechanism and soar to heights that lay beyond the comprehension of our current understanding. That said, if I follow my instincts I don't believe that time is quite yet .. it feels too easy and I believe that before the dawn breaks its going to get darker. This system and many of the human components within it are going to come crashing down under the weight of hatred, greed and narcisism .. the promise resides in what we build from its ashes. I feel it has woven itself too deeply into both the system and the psyche of humanity .. and through my understanding of natural law we need to undergo a cleansing process.
It's really frustrating for me as I have so much that I want to right about at the moment, that said .. the one bonus about all this solitary renovation work is that I've had some great insights that I'm really looking forward to sharing .. plus I have a great idea for a book. :) Once I'm back up to speed then rest assured, by far my best work has yet to come. Thanks again for you eternal support @ricia and I'm really sorry for the late reply!
No worries my friend. Just sorry to put you to all this trouble. I'm sure you've loads to do. I'm just watching reggae on bbc4. So pretty laid back about the incoming grid. For sure it is going to be a lot worse before it gets better. It is also true that the vast majority of people remain pretty clueless about what is really going on in the world, but I find there is a greater readiness to listen to alternative information and to question mainstream explanations.
It is good to hear that you are feeling inspired to get writing, cause we need minds like yours sharpening our wits and shining your light in the dark places.
Hope all your internal renovations will soon be completed and that you find time to relax and regroup. I'll look in again every now and then to read your work, but won't always comment. Just know I'm reading and learning.