This is a direct continuation from part two which should be read before this post and can be found HERE
The Methodology Of Manipulation
The Reality War
In our early work we brought together staff from different disciplines to find ways to apply psychoanalytic and open systems concepts to group and organisational life. Source
Fracturing The Minds Of The Social Order


The War On The Masculine & Feminine
“The family is now one of the major obstacles to improved mental health, and hence should be weakened, if possible, so as to free individuals and especially children from the coercion of family life.” International Congress on Mental Health, London, 1948 Source

War On The Family

Final Thoughts
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As per usual, an amazingly researched and written two part article @perceptualflaws. I really appreciate the work you do, as do many many others on this platform! Resteemed to my HUGE audience (lol) and look forward to part 3:)
Thank you for the support and kind words @palikari123 .. really glad you appreciated the post, part 3 will be coming asap .. just gathering references etc. You'll build your audience up again soon mate, great to have you back! :)
anywhere.Tremendous achievement, @perceptualflaws. This article ranks as the most precisely articulated work on this topic I have seen published,
I've been writing a parallel piece now, editing it occasionally, for several weeks. You've inspired me to publish it. Looking forward to your future content. Will certainly upvote and promote it.
Thank you for the kind words @canusapatriots I appreciate the support. I've nearly finished writing part 3 .. just spending time gathering all the references. I look forward to reading your piece. Thanks again my friend!
Highly rEsteemed!
Thank you @frankbacon .. much appreciated!
It's easy enough... your content is fantastiQ!
SteemON Bruv.
'They Live' ) to see and recognize the progrramming as it's happening in real time.Great article @perceptualflaws, it's very disturbing information. I can't help but wonder if the people collectively have a chance to fight this level of scientific-conditioning. We'd almost need some kind of magical glasses (like in
Thank you my friend, I'm really glad you appreciated my efforts.
Yes, it is very difficult .. people have literally been entrained to exist within an inverted state of being, that is the nature of the illusion for we are manipulated to do this to ourselves. The masses revel in their division, labels and inverted perceptions of power .. for as long as your side is winning that's good, right?
They are dividing the world in order that they can socially glue it back together..a false/inverted unity, before that happens we've got to find a way to speak that traverses the divisions that have been placed upon us. Instead of handing it away to those that seek to externally manufacture our worldview, we desperately need to rediscover the power within and the validity of our intuition and the internal perspective. The way we currently are is not who we are, it is a manipulation, it is not human nature .. I care not if people disagree with that statement, because most won't comprehend the level of work I've put in to make it. It's certainly a disturbing subject matter; I have a couple more conspiracy posts to write, then my future work is going to be much more upbeat .. I want to find a way to show people how important they are, and the magic/beauty of the world around them .. for that is equally (if not more) important than illuminating the web that is being woven around us, it's all a matter of balance. Thanks again @thoughts-in-time
Outstanding literature. The words you have chosen will change the world, I am sure. They not only convey the importance of your message, but poetically evoke, the gentler and kinder humanity being crushed.
Thank you for the support and kind words @ricia .. high praise indeed, I don't feel worthy .. but I am trying my best to formulate a language that breaks down barriers and divisions .. and speaks to the tattered vestiges of our humanity. Thanks again my friend. :)
I am in awe of your writing. Your mind is so nimble and yet deeply powerful, that I feel club-footed and dull faced with your thoughts. I am certain I have but little grasp of the meat and potatoes of this post, yet have savored the ephemeral flavors with which it is spiced.
Imma prolly need to reread it more than a few times before I reckon I have a substantial enough grasp of it's most salient points to comment cogently, beyond expressing here the admiration of your craft I do.
Thank you my friend .. we each have a part to play in this world, and your intent, work and observations are as valid as anything I or anyone else can relay. Thank you so much for all the support, remaining focused can be a lonely journey, but when I come up for air and share my posts, comments like yours give me the inspiration to keep moving forward. Thanks again!