
We don't 'try' to offend but damn with all they're offended at there's almost nothing you can say anymore. I can't say that immigrants should come into the Country 'legally'. That's bigoted and offensive. I can't say that our Federal government should stay within it's bounds of power according to the Constitution because that means no National healhcare and that means I don't care if people die on the streets. If I say I don't want these unelected beurocrats making law, I don't care about clean water etc. Everything is hyper-exaggerated to where you HAVE to allow 'anything goes' or you're a horrible person.

But the ironic thing is, is that in practice, it is the Right, Republicans, Conservativex, whatever we're supposed to be now, but we're the ones who actually practice what they You ever see a Leftist rally? When they're rally is over the place is totally trashed. Every sign they had down to their gum wrappers are left strewn all over the place. You go to a Trump rally? Or when Glenn Beck was in D.C.? I was there. When the hundreds of thousands of us left the place was as clean as when we came. It was unbelievable! I saw it with my own damn eyes! My sisters and I couldn't believe it. Not one cigarette butt after thousands of people were just there!

And look at all these Leftist Hollywood millionaires. They fly their private jets and light/heat/air condition their mansions using more energy & spewing more CO2 than we'll ever produce in our life Yet they scream about our planet...ugh we had a movement here some years back calling for 1 hour for everyone to turn their lights off. A showing of unity for saving energy use. And guess who's mansion was lit up like a Christmas tree that entire hour. Just guess.. Al Gore! You can't make this stuff up