You got me thinking I guess, thank you! Reporting in on what you made me think about, which I am only starting to realize lately....
While riding bikes with my son earlier, It started to hit my how much like my father my son is. Same kind of aura of lacking common sense while being able to compute things that others couldn't hope to grasp. However, I noticed it early in his life, I just didn't equate it to his grandfather for some reason. This is most likely due to the fact that my father left this world before my son was born, and thus my son has had no influence by his grandfather, other than what may come through me somehow, even though I am the polar opposite of both of them in the 'common sense' regard.
It got me thinking, that something is skipping a generation....Something, that I can study and foster, if I were to become privy, aware of it somehow. Teach it and guide it, to be able to compute, 'common sense'.....
Anyways, good talk thanks.
Yes that is interesting.
My mother has always made comments about how much I am like her father in looks and temperament. It does get one to wondering especially as I have another family member who shares the same temperament and looks of her great grandmother who by all accounts was an unreasonable and very violent woman.
Genetics and instinct can seem practically unfathomable.