Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view.
Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning
Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning
Legacy Media
Steem #News
Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.
Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community.
- Bitcoin: 1GL8hq6aVbPoYALZ7DW6gBPipU8ZkaWkNM
- Litecoin: LQrUvChGZUh4EQk46tKHvPFeZhuRgeMNsF
- Bitcoin Cash: 1GL8hq6aVbPoYALZ7DW6gBPipU8ZkaWkNM
- Ethereum: 0xfc736eb8335cb22d66c16532b84119965395347b
- ZCash: t1Wi7StbicXvqC2bobnnKnwHNQCDzA5EiwE
- Dash: XnPRueaA5ijNdgLpdfsVFUC4CmFUxgHnJ3
- Neo: AKZv2fDw6WHLD4izDBzuJC6MNRJaRcGjUz
- Binance Coin: 0xfc736eb8335cb22d66c16532b84119965395347b

Other Aggregators
Venezuela and Español
I know you must have most of your sources bookmarked by now, @dwinblood, but have you had any difficulty finding particular information from the nationalist or populist perspective - for example, the populist movements in Italy and Europe?
Conducted a little test today after having no luck in finding news sources supportive of Nationalism in general. Using Yippy (SE's are almost all identical now), I typed in a search for "Populist News Sources," then "Nationalist News Sources." Found zero results out of 20 links. Top one was negative information about White Nationalist something or other.
Then I typed in "Marxist News Sources." Found 3 links immediately:
World socialist website
This supports other tests I’ve done and confirms that that there is a legitimate, rapidly increasing and concerted effort underway to sway public opinion through misdirection, misrepresentation of facts (lying) and the suppression of information.
I see that even an established personality such as yourself is still negatively affected by the monetary instability on this platform. Be that as it may, the work you do in aggregating is becoming more and more important.
I have gotten in the habit of doing my searches on rather than google. I only go to google if I can't find something with DuckDuckGo. That may make a difference. I haven't searched for nationalist or populist news sources though I'd be interested in adding some to my right leaning bookmarks.
EDIT: And as to the money... yes it can be hard to get $0.50 to $1.50 in income from 2 to 3 hours of work aggregating this stuff, but it is important to do so I keep doing it.
Oh, I NEVER use Google, lol - at least not intentionally. I moved away from even DDG, as I witnessed the transition occur over a short period - this all happened after I wrote the Google Series, and that wasn't long ago. We know that Google's algorithms and Google itself is embedded in the search results of most other SE's. A lot of the SE's use each other to maximize info sources and this did provide benefits to the searcher, initially. But now Google is embedded in so many other search engines and has become the default on so many browsers that they are engaging in a Central Planning system of info control. I've compared results from ten's of SE's and found results alarmingly similar. This will not be evident to the avg searcher until they search something political - which is how it's gone so unnoticed. Will post a short article explaining my findings.
Definitely a noble cause - one which will unfortunately, most certainly never lead to nobility.
Curated for #informationwar (by @commonlaw)
Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation and other false narratives. We currently have over 7,500 Steem Power and 20+ people following the curation trail to support our mission.
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Great succinct presentation. Check out my weekly agg if you get a chance -
The whole world is upside down, nobody knows who are the good or the evil, divide and conquer, creating chaos, Ordo ab Chao, only this is very clear to see.
Best regards
TomThank you very much @newsagg for mention my last #informationwar post.
Keep writing interesting and informative pieces and I'll likely include them again in the future.
Excellent publications, very interesting every news and information, are necessary, we need to be informed, thanks for sharing it!
note how the media is calling the illegal aliens "migrants", like they are fucking birds, free to go where they please. Orwell would be impressed.