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McCabe confirms talks held at Justice Dept. about removing Trump CNN |
'El Chapo' heading to Supermax prison? Who else is inside the hellish 'Alcatraz of the Rockies' USA Today |
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Trump privately gripes that GOP was outplayed by Democrats CNN |
Google joins Apple in probing Saudi app that lets men control where women travel, as pressure piles on the tech giants to kill the service |
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Alex Jones forced to give sworn deposition over Sandy Hook defamation Think Progress |
I’ve covered gun violence for years. The solutions aren’t a big mystery. Vox |
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El Niño finally forms, what does this mean for our weather? USA Today |
U.S. Congress poised to vote on border measure without Trump wall Reuters |
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I am a rabid tree hugger. I often just go live in the woods, because I like it.
That should make what I say here more shocking: I'm glad the Green Revolution has been suitably ridiculed, however, I'm sad it was. There are good ways to have that revolution, but AOC didn't propose them.
For example, that corporations are legally required to maximize stockholder returns horribly perverts the original purposes for which corporations were allowed to exist. The first corporate charters were extremely focused on public (crown) benefits, and stockholders allowed to profit only when those purposes were met.
We could stand with a bit of that, and habitat loss, and development causing it, should factor in to land use decisions in a granular way. Grifters, poisoners, and organ farming should be dealt with at this level. Not letting them affect our health is far preferable to fixing the problems letting them profit from harming us.
A real Green Revolution would start by ending the legal persons fiction that perverts human rights and elevates profit to one of them.
I am a tree hugger myself. In fact I was quite the active supporter of Earth Day since it's creation until it became hijacked by the climate scare people and they decided that putting emphasis on things we could do now, and the many topics about pollution and waste that we used to talk about. Recycling in general was a product of a lot of the early initiatives when we focused on fixing things rather than pushing a one topic religion as all encompassing and most important. Oh, and many of us understood science and actually applied it to what our ideas and thinking were about.
Those days were hijacked just prior to the Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth propaganda piece.
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Glad to see the egg splattered all over the communist, DeBlasios, face.
Will Bezos think of bringing his HQ to the warm climate and business tax friendly Florida?
Were I Bezos, I'd head straight for Puerto Rico. 4% corporate tax, and no tax on dividends. Plenty of folks there that would be happy to have a job that reduced their dependence on welfare.
Owen Shroyer of Infowars got back to Infowars from a vacation yesterday. He went to Puerto Rico. He said there he encountered engineers and military (think it was army corps engineers) that had been there working on fixing and repairing things since the hurricanes. He indicated they didn't know who infowars was... They do now. They did tell him they had been there for weeks busting their ass in an unprecedented amount of effort to help them rebuild and then the news started talking about how Trump was not helping Puerto Rico. In pissed them off quite a bit. Apparently they are STILL there working too since Owen encountered them. Owen wasn't there for work, and was trying to avoid it, but that little piece he did talk about.
Who knows where Bezos will go. Though I think it is smart that they pulled out of NY with how insanely socialist they are going. Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money. Not exactly the environment you would want to make any long term investment in. If you are a short term and can tap into all the stolen/redistributed wealth then it is a fascist's dream. Long term investments though it is lunacy.
Wow, this is a really cool look at the different sides of an issue!