The Deep State has lost the power over public opinion they once held through controlling the mainstream media. De-centralization and Social Media has dealt the mainstream a death blow and their circumstances will not improve over time. That hasn't stopped the Deep State from trying to investigate ways to reclaim the new Decentralized Platform.
The Pentagon has been studying Social Media since it's inception, and are suposedly professionals at weaponizing the information against enemies of the U.S. Government outside of the Continental U.S. Keep in mind the Pentagon isn't supoose to be able to operate domestically with an Infowar against the people. I dare say government contractors and shadowy private entities can.
In 2011 DARPA was forming a new organization, the Social Media in Strategic Communication. One of their stated goals is,"Countering terrorists and insurgents before and after they become terrorists and insurgents: influencing beliefs in a scientific way”. The SMSC's purpose for existence is studying social media and tailoring counter messages in real time.
In a conference years later Dr. Robert Finkelstein worked on the Military Memetics program. He gave a presentation at the Social Media for Defense and the goal of a weaponized meme program is to create memes that will “exploit the psychological vulnerabilities of hostile forces to create fear, confusion, and paralysis, thus undermining their morale and fighting spirit”. So it is at least a proven fact that the Pentagon has spent 100's of millions of dollars on programs on how to fight an Infowar against people and organizations they deem enemies of the state in real time over seas, though it may be a matter of time before a whistle blower comes out with a Domestic Infowar that involves the Pentagon.
Recently evidence of the Pentagons pursuit of Weaponizing Social Media surfaced. A security firm Upguard and their cyber security team discovered three publicly downloadable cloud-based storage servers that contained intelligence gathered by CENTCOM and PACOM two Pentagon unified combatant commands, that included intelligence gathered on U.S. Citizens. The command range of CENTCOM and PACOM is supposed to be across the Middle East, Asia, and the South Pacific so I would say they were a little off course. The Data unsecured on one server alone contained 1.8 billion posts over an 8 year period of time. The intelligence gathered was from many different countries, and languages, but the surprising part is it did include information on American Citizen.
The Weaponization of Social Media
Another tool in the U.S. Government's Arsenal for the information war is the repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act. In 2013 it is now legal for the U.S. Government to broadcast government propaganda in the United States, This repeal was created with the enactment of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, sponsored by Rep. Mac Thornberry (R- Texas) and Rep. Adam Smith (D- Wash.), which was inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDA
Lt. Col. Daniel Davis stated that the effective repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act is a strategic move in influencing U.S. public perception in regards to the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
The U.S. Government now has Billions of dollars at it's disposal through the State Department to openly broadcast government propaganda domestically much like the NGO's the State Department is well known for using overseas, pumping millions of dollars into organizations used to destabilize and foment color revolutions.
Domestically the U.S. Government and Deep State are waging an #Informationwar through the personal use of well financed troll Armies. These personal Troll Armies are privately financed through Corporate Contributions in pay for play schemes, and usually involve people in the U.S. Government. that hold high positions of power and do not lack for resources
Correct The Record is a Super PAC for Hillary Clinton, and is run by David Brock who created a $1 million digital task force called “Barrier Breakers 2016,” which was an Army paid to engage any opposition to Hillary Clinton that could be found anywhere on Social Media.
Brock’s Correct The Record was very open about coordinating with the Clinton campaign and contributing $6 million to fund Hillary Clinton's run for president.
In a Huffington Post article titled,"How A Twitter Fight Over Bernie Sanders Revealed A Network Of Fake Accounts", from March of 2018: Trevor, a Sanders supporter who declined to provide his last name for fear of being doxxed, but goes by @likingonline on Twitter, noticed a strange pattern of behavior when Sally Albright responded to him. Her tweets addressing him were rapidly retweeted by the same series of accounts. This created a barrage of notifications making it look as though there was an avalanche of opposition to everything he said. But as Trevor discovered, after an extensive amount of research that he posted online, these were not normal accounts. They appeared to be bots ― automated accounts masked as real people being used to amplify a particular political message. Who is really pulling the strings, however, remains a mystery. Albright told HuffPost that the accounts were voluntarily handed over by their original users to an unnamed client of hers to be automated in “an analytics program.” She said she was bound by a non-disclosure agreement and could not disclose who was collecting and automating these accounts or for what purpose.
Yes, Hillary Clinton Has A Troll Farm
These accounts of the U.S. Government and Deep State participants getting involved with Social Media are just a very small sample of them trying to control the narrative. With the laughable stories of Russians interfering with Elections, and the fact key figures in the FBI, DOJ, and the American Media ran a 2 year witch Hunt on Donald Trump with a fictional dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, which was used to investigate non existent Russians,shows the world that there is no level they will not stoop to maintain control and power.
It is in Fact an Infowar ,and for the sake of Liberty and Freedom join the battle. Share news stories by alternative news outlets on Social Media and know that we are a historical part in the Decentralization of Power and giving it back to the people.
Sources used to investigate the Subject
The U.S. Government and Weaponizing Social Media
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