I gave up at 700 videos. I was literally going cross eyed from all that cut and paste. They are all my original content and many of them are well I think they're interesting anyway. lol. im just gunna slowly do 10 or 20 of my vids a week and blog between them every few days. I'm kind of an economic refugee from YouTube at this point they really screwed me over big-time after the ad apocalypse! Political content of the nature that I produce isn't exactly the most advertiser friendly! YouTube has saw fit to give the larger advertising firms everything they ever wanted and more. Unfortunately that means screwing over all the "" edgy political content producers or at least starving us to making pennies where we were making dollars.
I really do like the Steam platform. I just found out about a couple months ago and I'm very impressed with the potential I see here! I like that it doesn't seem to be very censored I feel more free to say what's on my mind here! Any pointers would be greatly appreciated?
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Well, comment cogently on posts you find interesting. Doing this will generate followers interested in what you have to say.
Making quality posts will also attract folks to follow you, and as you gain followers, you will gain a 'bully pulpit' that may allow you to disperse your philosophical considerations beyond your personal reach, and activate others to spread the same views you hold.
Don't beg for votes or follows, don't copy/past comments, and you'll be golden.
Give thought to whether you want to gain visibility (and rewards) by using the upvote sellers and other bots, like the Minnow Support Project.
Keep copwatching, and stay safe!
Not to worry about the whole not keeping cop watching I don't have any quit in me. Thank you for the valuable information!
You might also consider 'reserving' some of your more exciting footage for special posts, that may be able to gain more viewers. Some folks hold contests with small monetary rewards, or for temporarily delegated stakes. One way to do that and bear the cost is to use the 50/50 rewards option and offer the SBD portion of the author rewards for that post as the prizes.
Given the value of your work, you may also be able to find sponsors, or others that want to support what you do. One thing I've seen here is a strong tendency towards libertarian thought (as I note everywhere early adopters/technical folk congregate on the web), and you are likely to gain much support from people who strongly support what you do.
I strongly support what you do!
Badderasser man! thank you!
Maybe a good pro-cop anti-cop debate would stir up a dust storm.For gaining support everything @valuedcustomer said is good, look for people talking about the same topics as you interact on their posts and they'll be sure to check you out.