Gina Haspel and Unusual, Cruel, Humiliating Treatment OR Torture

in #informationwar6 years ago

Trump's candidate for CIA Director is Gina Haspel. Haspel is the head of Thailand's black site station, Fall 2003, known for unusual, cruel, humiliating and torturing US prisoners. In 2005 he also reportedly ordered the destruction of Thai interrogation tapes. As the station chief he is responsible for the activities of the site, and, therefore, appears to have violated the US Constitution, the relevant US Code, and International Law. Thus, he is potentially a Criminal of the International War, and should be prosecuted as such.

While both media mislead us and dishonestly chosen only using the word "torture" or the phrase "enhanced interrogation," in fact any and all unusual, cruel, embarrassing forms or torture (s) are war crimes, by international law, US Code, US Interrogation Manual and our Constitution, namely, the Supreme Law of the Land. It makes a joke of any discussion about whether certain cruel, unusual, or embarrassing treatment is "torture." Any such action is a war crime and a violation of the US Constitution. Notice that in addition to the explicit prohibition of such action by our Constitution (Amendment VIII), Article VI, point 2, adds, "... and all agreements made ... shall be the supreme law ..."

Haspel, when asked during his Senate Hearing his opinion on the morality of the care of prisoners, had the courage to answer, "... the higher moral standards we have decided to refrain ..." and "... we must adhere to the moral standards outlined in the army field manual. "There is no" higher moral standard "or support in our Army Field Manual for Unusual, Cruel, Adoring or Torture Treatment of US Prisoners. Not only is it immoral, but explicitly violates the relevant US Army Field Guidelines (1992 or 2006) included in the list below.

Gina Haspel met me during her nomination process as arrogant, misleading, seemingly avoiding giving a straight answer and seeing herself as someone who is at a higher moral level. Such attitudes represent something other than a high moral standard. His attitude represents the diametric opposite of the ethical position.

No "memos" written by White House staff lawyers from Bush II can surpass our Constitution or an agreement made partly by Article VI, item 2 (below), so Haspel has no "legal" authority for Unusual, Cruel , Embarrassing or Torture of US detainees. Indeed, Haspel swore who said, "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States ... I will bear the true faith and loyalty to the same ..." That does not say, "except for the White House or CIA law memo."

"The term" enemy combatants "includes" legitimate enemy fighters "and" enemy fighters who violate the law. "(FM 2-22.3 (FM 34-52) .Our law on the treatment of each is the same.


  • The following are specific US Constitutions, US Codes, Field Army Guidelines, and international law violated by Unusual, Cruel, Disgraceful or Torture:

The US Constitution, Article VI, point 2, "... and all treaties made ... shall become the supreme law ..." The US Constitution, Amendment VIII: "... or cruel and unusual punishment imposed." US War Crimes in 1966 US Code: Title 18: Chapter 113C: Torture: Section 2340, 2341 US Code: Title 18: Section 2441: War CrimeUnderment of Prisoners 2005Field Army Manual FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation 09/28 / 92Army Field Manual FM 2-22.3 (FM 34-52) Operation of Human Intelligence Collector 10/2006

  • Geneva Common Article 3:

Must in all circumstances be treated humanely: Prohibited: Violence, murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, torture, anger over personal dignity, humiliating and degrading treatment.

  • Third Geneva Convention - Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War

Article 13: Detainees shall be treated humanely Article 14: War prisoners shall have the right to respect their persons and their honor.Pasal 17: Prohibited: Physical or Mental Torture, or other forms of coercion

  • Endangered, humiliated, or exposed to unfavorable or unfavorable treatment

Art. 31. Prohibited: Physical Coercion or Moral Art. 32. Prohibited: Any action that causes physical harm or destruction, murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation, medical or scientific experimentation, any other brutal act

  • Examples of our cruel, unusual, humiliating or torturing treatment of prisoners

Beaten up Electrodes attached to pagans Legs and lower legs placed high, like metal cuffs such as boots, dug into flesh, paralyze feet Frequent touching and pouring ice water into genitals Holding head under water Hanging on a hooded pole and naked for several days in time Ice water thrown on the body and fan used to blow air into ice waterHe packed in ice and then sat on it Poured ice water from ice bucket to mouth and nose.Placed stress position for hours Rape and rectal mealSome forms of humiliationDiborgol with head hood and lowered into icy water basin .Backing the wallLack of sleep with loud musicRown, hung from wooden blocks for several days, equipped with water but no foodVideotaping nakedWaterboarding

Our President, Donald Trump, in his obvious ignorance of our Constitution, the US Code, international law and his own oath of office, has nominated Gina Haspel to be a high-ranking US official, the Director of the CIA. This, irrespective of its potential violation of any of the above US Constitutions, US codes, manuals / laws on detention, and international law that were affected during its involvement in and the management of unusual, cruel treatment, embarrassing and torturing US detainees.

President Trump's nomination for Haspel as Director of the CIA, in recognition of our dishonorable criminal service to our nation, is an affront to the honor of the United States.

                    # Additional:

  • Manual of Military Field FM 34-52 Intelligence Interrogation 09/28/92

"The use of force, mental torture, threats, humiliation, or exposure to any unpleasant and inhuman treatment is prohibited by law and is not permitted or condoned by the United States Government has demonstrated that the use of force is not necessary to obtain the cooperation of source- sources for interrogation, so the use of force is a bad technique, because producing unreliable results can damage the next collection effort, and can encourage the source to say whatever it thinks the interrogator wants to check. "


"The term" enemy fighter "includes" legitimate enemy fighters "and" enemy fighters who violate the law. "All personnel arrested or detained, regardless of status, will be treated humanely, and in accordance with the 2005 Resistance Prison Act and the DOD Directive 2310.1E, the" Department of Defense Prisoner Program ", and no one in custody or under control DOD, regardless of nationality or physical location, shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in accordance with and as defined in US law. "

  • Prisoner Treatment Act of 2005

"No individual in detention or under the physical control of the United States Government, regardless of nationality or physical location, shall be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

  • George Washington on the care of prisoners, Battle of Trenton, 12/25/1776:

"Treat them [prisoners] with humanity, and let them have no reason to complain about copying our brutal example of the British Army in their treatment of our unfortunate brothers who have fallen into their hands.


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Good post bro

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