I never said or implied that I agree with media censorship.
It is legal to be paid to give a speech. What are you implying? That we sold Uranium to Russia?
Please see the following images:
Yeah ok buddy, we'll see how that actually turns out and I'll get back with you.
When did I say someone should be jailed for their political beliefs? A traitor is someone who acts to aid an oppositional force to work against one's home nation. Russia is an enemy of not only the US, but every member nation of NATO.
You are just wrong. Not even Bernie Sanders or AOC, the most socialist congressmen to date, have ever claimed or shown themselves to want absolute power. On the other hand, Republicans blocked literally over 100 appointments to vacant seats by Obama, which crippled the government, this forced the so called "nuclear option" to restore the integrity of the government (changing the rule of 2/3rds to confirm to a simple majority, EXCEPT for Supreme Court picks). Later, Mitch McConnel used the same option to extend the simple majority rule to Supreme Court picks. Republicans are so power hungry that they obstruct democracy as much as possible, might I remind you what gerrymandering is? Liberal states such as California have their districts drawn up by an independent group. Might I ask why republicans have over 2/3rd of legislative seats in this country despite receiving slightly less than half the votes across the board? How can you think that is democracy? The UK has had the NHS for 74 years, I don't see tyranny there, people are happy there. In fact, HM Government is the Conservatives, and they have held power for most of the time in recent decades. Labour isnt power hungry either, both just want to fight for what they think is right, and neither of them think tyranny is ok. Are you seriously trying to equate Hitler's regime to the Democrat party? Obama didn't take away peoples rights, nobody got arrested for calling him the N word on the internet.
The UK does have a constitutional system, but it is not rigid or permanent like the US Constitution. Yet, because of their government people don't go bankrupt trying to provide cancer care for their family members? Mothers don't have to worry about affording treatment for their children? There was only 1 school shooting in the UK from 2008-2017 whereas the US had 288 and Mexico came in 2nd place with 6? Billionaires actually pay their fair share of tax? Hundreds of billions of dollars aernt wasted on a Pentagon that is struggling to find ways to spend the excess money? The government places people over the profits of businesses? Waiters, etc don't have to rely on tips when it's the restaraunt employing them not the patrons? Seems to me that a constitution that is rigid is not as necessary as long as its the people who vote.
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Tax records are never released when they are under review. YOUR people began the review, so THEY are responsible for the Audit, and any delay. YOU can Not have it both ways!
You said that ending censorship was the end of social media. This means you favor business as usual, AKA Censorship.2
It is legal to be paid for work done, UNLESS IT IS a quid prop quo, payment for Uranium rendered...this took place shortly after that deal, and the going rate for speakers is NOT 1.5 million an hour in Russia!3
These were either things done before these people were brought in by President Trump, or process crimes (14 days in jail, seriously?) I am stunned you would want a list, so here is a 68 page PDF of Murders tied to the Clintons:http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/THE%20CLINTON%20BODY%20COUNT.pdf
This list is still expanding, but tops 100 now. Nice demons you support, if even half of this is true!
We will, the Attorney General was calling for an investigation of the abuse of FISA Warrants TODAY! Stating glaring irregularities in the evidence used to begin this debacle.5
You have 730 liberal hacks who are willing to say they will ignore the lack of evidence just to damage President Trump.This is unimportant, a true non-sequitur; and a simple circular argument.
YOU need to study History. Obama used BLM and the Occupy movement to Cause Chaos; Hitler used the Brown Shirts. Obama shielded those who murdered police, so did Hitler. Obama called for a national police force, because the local Police could not keep the peace, so did Hitler. Obama was blocked on the national police force, Hitler was not, he called his the Gestapo! They are following the exact same game plan that was used in 1930s Germany and thus far have only been stopped by the Constitution; Germany was not so lucky! The only flat out refusals I have seen are when a conservative judge is selected, and the liberals all but set fire to themselves to stop any such appointment. This was so bad, voters got Mad; and it cost them two Senate seats!Our Founding Fathers saw the hole (AKA danger) that activists Judges could use to damage the Rule of Law in this Republic, and debated it hotly; but decided that good Christian Gentlemen could be trusted to do the right thing, and to not legislate from the bench! This is one place they failed us, because we have filled the bench with stupid judges that spend more time twisting the Law that making judgements, which is their real job! These are Evil people, who ignore their Oath to support the constitution, and attack it continually, from hate.
The UK no longer matters here, since 1776! Sadly, the UK has allowed liberals to finish them, they will not survive that! That said, I call BULL SHIT on Socialized Medicine! Half a Million people have been murdered in the worst way by the ACA, that I know of directly! It is a BoonDoggle that is a power grab, and simple theft. They do NOT give a DAMN about people! They want to control it, so they can use healthcare access as a political tool. I worked in healthcare R&D for 30 years, and ALL Medical R&D in the USA stopped in 2008, when the ACA was passed! You better stay healthy, ROFLOL!The school shootings are interesting in that the same people keep showing up. Hitler also used false flag attacks to ram gun control down Germany's throat. When he succeeded, all he had to do was pick them up and kill them, since they could no longer resist. He also used a false flag attack to start WWII. Nothing new here....
I see you brought your minions to flag my post. Cyber bullies are still bullies, and Get no respect from me. I am elsewhere now anyway, just waiting for steemit to die from bullies with money.:)>