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Judicial Watch announced today that a hearing was ordered to be held in federal court Wednesday, August 21, 2019, in a case regarding records about top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr’s involvement in the Trump dossier authored by Christopher Steele (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00490)).
Video Source:
Judicial Watch
Through this investigation, Judicial Watch has uncovered that Ohr was corruptly used by the FBI as a conduit for the Clinton-funded dossier by the Clinton-DNC spy ring at Fusion GPS. His wife Nellie, who was employed by Fusion GPS, passed dossier information to the FBI through him and later deleted emails received from him.
Check out Judicial Watch:
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Hillary Clinton has with no previous comdities trading experience invested $1,000.00 dollars in cattle futures that netted a $100,000.00 profit.
Oh, sorry that was 1978.
Bruce Ohr a name that is reminiscent of Scooter Libby or John Poindexter.
What do these three names have in common.... No one knew who they were before they fell on their sword to protect the Elites.
Pro Tip: After 40 years of no justice for some of the greatest masterminds in U.S. politics as well as the protected class Elites, please remain cautiously optimistic, but expect nothing.
If you watch a coin toss 12 times and it is always heads, but you are cautiously optimistic that tails will soon come, what should you consider when heads comes up 48 times in a row?
Pro Tip 2: The game is rigged.
All true, but not everyone is compromised; and being patient is not the same as giving up :)
On the other hand, constantly expecting change only to wake up the same ole grind is possibly insane. But it will be fine as long as we're paying attention, sheep no more....