I would like to talk to you about The Boogaloo movement, if you will hear me out. I shouldn't even have to point out the White Supremacist claim from the media. You know by now, anything they don't like is homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, and now that racist doesn't have the same sting, White Supremacist.
The media throws a lot of labels around with the intent to sow discord. Also, if the they can effectively label you, then others don't have to critically think, they can just place you in a bucket.
Oh yeah, I've heard about them. They're the racists, right?
Hopefully you’ll spread the word, I strongly encourage you to do so, however, I completely understand if you don’t.
I know that there are a lot of media outlets saying this is a far-right thing and all the other bullshittery along with it. I want to assure you, that for the most part (because with any large groups there are bound to be bad apples) the boogaloo movement is (for the most part) a libertarian group.
We are not left, or right. We want to do away with this two party system that is a cancer to this country and all of the people in it.
I will be the first to admit, that far right people do in-fact try to associate themselves with us, and we turn them away as fast as they try to join. Painting this as a right-wing thing or a “race war” is both not only incorrect, but both also imply a war between the people, which indicates a core misunderstanding of the entire term.
The boog is not the people vs the people, the boog is the people vs the government. It’s a revolution, not a civil war. The boog was never originally a Republican vs Democrat thing, it exists more on an authoritarian vs libertarian scale.
Both mainstream parties are awful and have been equally complicit in the degradation of our liberty. It started as a meme, then it transitioned into a way of life for many, many people.
The boogaloo has literally never been a race thing, it started as a gun rights thing, and has morphed into a general freedom/liberty thing, but it was never about race. All colors and creeds are welcome to join the cause of standing up to tyranny.
We are at these protests, all over the country to offer support for the people. Whether that be armed escort, acting as a human shield, first aid, protection from law enforcement, state, or federal. Moral, emotional, physical support. Or whatever else that may be needed.
Our members are from all walks of life, all across the country. Typically, we are in body armor vests, with firearms. Masks, hats, sunglasses etc. Our flag is an American flag, with black and white stripes, and typically one stripe that is Hawaiian print with a large igloo where the stars should be.
Hawaiian shirts and armor vests are the typical uniform. If you see us, please feel free to greet us. If you need help, with anything, don’t be afraid to ask, we welcome it. Many of us carry basic first aid kits. And there are also many that have some sort of history with medical training.
We work just like the hactivist group Anonymous. We are a decentralized organization that has cells in every state all across the country.
There are a bunch of memes floating around that make us seem like we are worse people that we truly are. I mean, shit-posters gotta shitpost, right? We do this to pass the time, and as a break from our mundane lives we live.