The most important interview you'll watch this year (and in 2021): WAM - G. Edward Griffin - Final Stand Against Tyranny

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

The most important interview you will watch this year (and in 2021): WAM - G. Edward Griffin - Final Stand Against Tyranny

I use to watch WAM (World Alternative Media) a lot in the past but have strayed away as of late; fortunately, I tuned in today and saw the its host, Canadian Josh Sigurdson, had a very special guest in G. Edward Griffin the author of The Creature from Jeckyll Island. Griffin is as smart as they come.

UPDATE: As YouTube has purged World Alternative Media from its platform and the link to the video above has been memory-holed, here is the video that is still available on Bitchute: (watch from the 24:50 mark up to 27:27 after which Josh asked G. Edward Griffin "What do you think 2021 is gonna look like?)

Though the interview is packed with quality stuff including the manner in which the United States has been taken over in the past few decades, the part that impressed me most was the absolute TRUTH BOMB Griffin revealed when asked what he saw on the horizon for 2021.

I will roughly paraphrase his answer:

  • Trump was selected (not elected) and put into the White House by "huge amounts of money" and he will get re-selected ("re-elected") again.

  • Why? Because the past few years have been carefully engineered and planned to make the "Left" (Democratic) party look as ugly as possibly so the masses will vote for a more "sane" Republican ticket. (when in fact we know they are in essence one and the same)

  • Chaos & violence (on the streets in the likes of what we've seen in the past few months) will ensue thereafter to the point that the masses will be begging for MARTIAL LAW; and they will get it from the Trump government. (this is hook-line-and-sinker of what those in real power seek and will get; pure Problem-Reaction-Solution)

To hear it in his own words, watch the video from 24:49 to 27:25

You absolutely know it, feel it, when you hear absolute truth - no matter how ugly it is.

I'm afraid there are too many of us in the alternative sphere that are, or have been, hopeful of Trump and the possibility of "White Hats" that are working behind the scenes to overtake the Deep State.

Many also have fallen for the "Q Anon" movement - which I personally never have and have in fact denounced it (same goes for Kevin Shipp). This is all hopium folks. Pure hopium.

I mean, even though the MSM & Democrats have been at Trump's throat for the past almost 4 years now, I think that we have really been suckered and have fallen for this MEGA PSYOP CHARADE.

If Trump and so-called "White Hats" were really at play, we would have seen a lot more ACTION (real action) and Deep State traitors, indicted, prosecuted, and jailed.

Yet, not a single motherfucker from this bunch has even been given a slap on the wrist. Why is that so?

The clowns he has appointed at the DOJ & as Attorney General in William Barr, Jeff Sessions, and so-called Special Prosecutor John Durham have done Jack shit (zero, zilch, zippo, nada) in the past years. And I would even venture to say that they were never meant to go after anyone. Nothing, absolutely nothing of true substance has happened in the past four years; it it hasn't yet, it won't, don't expect it, and it's pretty much too late anyway, as the system of Justice in the US is DOA (and has been for a very long time).

Moreover, the head of this Deep State snake is the International Banking Cabal largely driven by the US Federal Reserve and Trump has been absolutely subservient to them (as have Congress).

All Trump cares about is his overinflated stock market (for which he naively think Americans see as a barometer for the overall economy - which they don't) and he just allowed US$3 Trillion (with a big fucking "T") to be handed over the the banksters as more funny money to inflate the markets while giving pennies to the masses. I mean, really? Really?

Trump is in bed with the Fed and there ain't a counter-argument on the planet that will prove otherwise.

He's on their team, not yours. And if you can't see that, you're blind as fuck (pardon my French).

So, sorry for the cold shower folks. But while we all are hopeful that the world will wake up about the Scamdemic, we ourselves need to also WAKE UP and stop kidding ourselves that things will change by patriots behind the scenes.

The real, true, patriots are you and me and those who take care of ourselves and our families first, then our communities and who have the COURAGE to speak up and TAKE ACTION.

One community at a time - that is the only way we ever have a chance at defeating this evil.

Let's do it NOW. No more farting around.

God Bless,

In Peace & Liberty,


P.S.: Sorry for the unusual amount of foul language in this post, but it was stronger than me...


Take action! Go, now! Do it!*

(What "it" is, is another matter. But definitely, do it!!)

Griffin is wise. Josh is a chronic liar, phony, and sensationalist. Probably smart not to watch too much of that particular mainstream alternative media personality.

I agree that Trump is not for Liberty. Last real president was Kennedy.

G. Edward Griffin's event - The Red Pill Expo coming up in October.



As YouTube has purged World Alternative Media from its platform and the link to the video above has been memory-holed, here is the video that is still available on Bitchute: (watch from the 24:50 mark up to 27:27 after which Josh asked G. Edward Griffin "What do you think 2021 is gonna look like?)