These publications do not seek to pity or speak badly of Venezuela, I want to share with anyone who is interested and concerned about what is happening in Venezuela and to be able to bring you this information that will give you a clearer perspective of what it means to be Venezuelan and how people live in a country in crisis.
constant support.I want to thank my good friends @derangedvisions, @pankso, @cendrinemedia, @erodedthoughts, for being aware of the Venezuelan community that lives in this magnificent community, Many Thanks for the
In Venezuela 40 years ago, it was the custom to see thousands of people from different parts of the world arrive, not only on vacation but also to live and work in this beautiful country that for many years opened its doors to different cultures and languages and He still does it.
In this opportunity Venezuela has the opportunity to see its people leave and not on vacation, or for a year in search of new experiences, no, see them go forever in search of a better future, in search of happiness.
Where millions flee every day before the harassment and oppression of a corrupt tyrant who is destroying a country and plunging it into shit.

The sadness feels a country that used to have the biggest smile in the world and hope was its secret formula, where peace and harmony were the singing of the angels and the tranquility of a fighting people.
On January 7 of this year my younger sister made the most important decision of her life, leaving her country in search of a better future and opportunities to grow as a professional and woman.
Since Venezuela does not have the capacity to give what she and millions of people seek, and it is regrettable because as people born in this nation, we want to live and succeed in our land, not a foreign and unknown territory.

My sister has been making the decision to leave Venezuela for the neighboring country Colombia for months, but this was not easy since for 3 months we had to save between the whole family to be able to buy her the ticket and to have some of her money to pay a rent in a house for at least a month, while finding work.
We managed to collect $ 350 for the whole family so that I could travel, it was a very big effort, since as you already must know in Venezuela the minimum salary is approximately $ 7 and each week we had to set aside a bit of our money to make it I actually dream my sister.
The day that went to everyone in the family broke our hearts, but we were happy because we knew that I would go to a better place in search of their dreams and that nothing and no one would take away that illusion from their hearts.

As my sister thousands and thousands of Venezuelans flee from Venezuela with the hope of getting a better place, where to raise their children, others leave with the hope of getting some work that gives them to be able to send their homes in Venezuela some money to buy food and medicines.
This has been happening since the year 2017 and every day thousands are preparing to fight for their families, these people leave wives, children, parents, friends behind and with a heart full of sadness they have to leave in search of an opportunity to continue living.
Venezuela, little by little, is losing its youth, that youth that does not see employment opportunities, of study, of being able to buy a house, a car, these people have lost faith and hope in this country that has been dominated by a hungry man of money and a lot of hatred for society.
A corrupt president who thinks only of his well-being and keeps his pockets full of money while his people are starving.

Maybe the people who do not follow me or those who are not buried of what is going on in Venezuela, do not understand why millions of people have emigrated from Venezuela, well then I will tell you some of the reasons why people decide to leave. Venezuela:
Lack of employment opportunities.
Food shortages.
Shortages of medications.
Because insecurity.
The salary is not enough.
The price of products increases every day.
For lack of transportation services.
For faults in electricity, water and gas services. (Where we can be more than 3 months if these services).
An infinity of reasons is what drives the Venezuelan to leave this poor pee that is bleeding every day and is on the line, to reach absolute death, where there are still Venezuelans trying to survive.

My sister has been brave to leave Venezuela in search of something better and I hope that she can succeed and leave the name of our country in the highest part of the world and that her dreams come true, someday I can make that I dream and get my wife and son out of Venezuela, since they deserve something better where they can live in peace and tranquility.
The human being can face thousands of problems and get ahead, but a people with hunger and with no chance, can die and stop fighting.
I know that some things will improve and I am a fighter and I will go ahead for my family, I will be a warrior and I will not give up.

Curated for #informationwar (by @Gregorypatrick)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
May God go with your sister!