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RE: Necessity is the Mother of Invention

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Ah, the idealism of youth! I cannot fail to admire your zeal, as well as your ideals, but confess I have had those beaten out of me during my decades of seeking to undertake to be free and prosperous in America.


Nietzsche said 'what does not kill us makes us stronger', but that isn't true at all. Ask any paraplegic. Ask folks with scarred lungs after surviving viral pneumonia, or after being shot or beaten during a protest, and being crippled for life. It's easy to think it's true, until you actually bear the scars of such adversity.

Then what you realize is that failing to prevent adversity from crippling you doesn't make you stronger at all.

Adversity you prevent from crippling you makes you stronger, and that requires defeating your adversaries by crippling them, or killing them, before they can cripple or kill you. Zeal and idealism are motivations, but unless they're supported by power and superior strategy, they'll just get you crippled.

Libra will not be good for crypto. It's a trap that legacy financial institutions will use to gain more power over most everyone by surveilling their transactions, possessing the power to turn off their accounts if they dare to speak against the government, or more relevantly, the banksters that run it, and ensure their taxes, fees, and fines cannot be unpaid or miscalculated.

FEDcoin will not be decentralized. It will be far more able to exert control over people, just as the 21 million fewer cell phone users in China today reveal. Those 21 million people were availed (forced) Alipay with which they could pay their rent, buy stuff online, and needed those phones to even be able to walk on the street after China mandated their citizens use the Health app that assigned them either red (infected), yellow (maybe), or green (clear) avatars, and only allowing those with green to travel now. Those 21 million people aren't free now. They're either crippled socially and financially after China turned off their accounts so they can't even sleep on the streets, or dead.

Banks, cops, judges, politicians, most lawyers, etc., are criminals, know they are criminals, and deliberately act to secure their power and wealth by committing crimes on purpose. ZuckerBorg is one of them, and his creation will be used for the purpose of increasing his and his allies wealth and power.

The miner consortiums that control BTC, it's inflation, and etc., aren't secure. Remember the day BTC crashed from it's high? Remember that was the day the BTC futures market began operating. Also remember transaction fees were as high as 25% at the time. You couldn't sell BTC to save your life. The banksters didn't need to invest one slim dime in BTC to crash it's value.

Don't underestimate them, and don't make the mistake of thinking they can't do permanent damage. I know this because I can barely walk today. This means I won't be leaping any barricades.


I can't remember if anyone has ever called me an optimist... ever.
Let me be very clear: I don't think I'm going to survive this.
I've already severely overplayed my position with nothing to show for it.
How many of us are on some BS government watch list? Who knows.

An individual is fragile.
Life in general is incredibly resilient.

We are approaching an age of mass extinction, radical environmental change, and hyper evolution.
If I happen to be cannon fodder for the first line of defense, so be it.


Bitcoin crashed from 20k because it was bubbled AF. Derivatives can't tame a beast that is doubling in size every year. If anything I thank the futures market for lowering the volatility of Bitcoin by crashing it early. Don't act like Bitcoin hasn't already bubbled and crashed in exactly the same way several times over with no futures market involved.

Also, Bitcoin is not the coin of the people. If anything it would serve as a great world reserve currency used only by governments, banks, and corporations to transfer around huge sums of money quickly and permissionlessly. This is exactly what's going to happen if enough fiat currencies go under and can't resurrect themselves. Oh but wait... wouldn't it be nice if they rolled out G5, facial recognition, banned cryptographic communications, and monitored all online transactions before they embraced Bitcoin?

Oh wait... that's happening right now. LOL. Bitcoin is going to go x???? over the next two years... and that's not a bullish statement. It's going to be fully co-opted. What I'm hoping for is the trickle-down effect to fund every other project. Maybe we'll fund something good out of Bitcoin's corruption. Crypto is exploring every available option. Most paths are dead ends.

Derivatives can be structured to multiply exponential growth, or just as profitably quell it. I find it almost unbelievable that JP Morgan is keeping the price of silver down despite the immense crash of stocks, and at a time when silver is at its all time low relative to gold. It's quite a trick.

Hell, they dropped the price 25%, although it's bounced a bit.

BTC has far less financial interest, and is therefore far more manipulable. When you can conjure infinite amounts of money out of thin air and deploy it however you want, you sure as hell can control the price of anything.

I read Amazon has discovered one of their wagies is infected. Is that not in your neck of the woods? Stay safe.

Also you're just flat out wrong about Libra.
There is a reason why Zuckerturd got slapped down hard.
Libra represents a threat to central banking.
They don't want the competition.
He would have just as easily got the green light if it had value to them. It doesn't.

Pretty soon corporations are going to be wondering what the hell they need central banks for. They can be their own central bank. In the war between revolutionary tech companies and central bank dinosaurs, I'm betting on tech companies. The destabilization of the balance of power this war causes will allow real decentralization to trickle through the cracks.

I don't care if hundreds of millions of people get fucked over by Libra if it gets hundreds of millions of people more accepting/educated of crypto in general.