I've got nothing against you and no BS stories in which you're the enemy or anything like that - to be clear. Not that I hold hard feelings against anyone; that's one of those practices I find to have a lot of costs, and no apparent benefits.
I have you muted because your way of communicating is extremely aggravating to me the majority of the time (that I have experienced it - as someone who doesn't follow you), and I'm in a place where I want to have the option to see those comments or not, rather than getting notifications of them.
That's fine. It doesn't bother me. It bothers you. I hate alarm clocks so I hit the snooze button. I get it.
I don't expect everyone to like me or how I am, or whatever. But my bridge always has water under it.
Have a good day dude.
I still follow you but you are a prick...
Thanks! Anything else I can do for you today?