going vegan doesn't matter
It matters for my health, it matters because I am not paying to support deforestation, and most importantly it matters because imprisonment, rape, and murder are wrong, no matter the species.
You can capture and store methane and boom.
I am well aware that it is possible to capture methane and use it for rocket-mass systems, I've worked on permaculture projects that included that; but it's not happening on anything but the tiniest scale, and the "animal agriculture" industry has no intention/plans to implement it, so it isn't really relevant when talking about at-scale solutions.
It also still doesn't address the moral, health, or other environmental facets.
Still floored at this rape thing...
So where are these sexual assaults happening? Unaware that this is a thing. Let's see some evidence?
And uneducated vegans who have a way of twisting the facts are definitely a problem.
And honestly buying from monocrop industrial farming does more damage to the environment than all of the good you claim to be making.
Think you miss the point that manure is the best and natural way to enrich the soil...
Most of human history we have lived in balance and had some great ways of living in balance.
Sorry but again just from your tone and reply I find that you seem to think you have all the answers and really dismissed my opinion for your own ego.
Wow. Ha.
Yeah this idea that your dietary preference makes you better than others or a more aware person? No it's just your ego.
Kinda floored but whatever. Go think as you will.
But honestly? I just lost some mad respect for you. Hope you understand.