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RE: Is This Demonic Possession, Disease, or Mind Control?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I am a doctor, and if I tell you the truth I had not heard of that disease, but definitely anything that affects the brain can cause disorders in the behavior of people that even the family members could not recognize them, from meningitis caused by bacteria or viruses, increase of the endocranial pressure, traneocephalic traumatisms, among many other things.Hello @thoughts-in-time, I find your post curious, it is full of many topics from just one.

Nanotechnology should be mentioned, I will tell you the truth, even if it sounds crazy for lagunos, and that technology exists, and definitely the only way to prove its effectiveness is placing it in human beings directly.

Is already in use? I do not know, just as there are so many things that I do not know. What is very true is that technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and that the institutions of power, will always do everything to have more power, and control the brain of the human race is a feat that seems impossible, but the films of science fiction have advanced to many things that are already real, who knows? anything could happen.


I agree with everything that you said above.
As far as the many topics are concerned a
lot of things seem interrelated to me.Dr. @josevas217, thank you for your feedback!

Yes, the world is totally related, no matter where we live, in the end we end up affecting what happens in any part of the world.
Like the issues, talking about something that affects human behavior, will not generally be an isolated event, all the abnormalities are multifactorial, multicausal. or at least I think so.