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RE: A New Paradigm for Politicals No more Left vs Right Now it's Top vs Bottom(Yes I'm a Top)

Interesting. I previously through the EPA was an advisory council, which I think is very important to have; politicians aren't experts in health or the environment so they should have such agencies to offer guidance; however, the fact that they can actually pass regulations seems like a gross sidestepping of democracy.

Up north here we have Members of Parliament (MPs) form caucuses that go and seek out expert advice to bring back to parliament for discussion. To my knowledge, nothing gets passed at a federal or provincial level by anyone who is unelected.

I think there's an argument to be made that a country the size of the USA occasionally needs more decisive action than congress can provide, particularly with health and environmental issues, but one must ask where they draw the line between efficiency and liberty and what are the future implications of that choice. Sort of a question of how long it takes until you have a "Department Of Public Decency".


We're taking over the interweb you find all our diabolical plans on discord at PAL server under teamcanada.Hey @johnyliltoe have you heard of #teamcanada ?

Yeah nothing wrong with an advisory board or something but no, these agencies actually create 'and' enforce law! Most of what was in the Obamacare bill rammed through Congress was a skeleton. The HHS then added to it as Katleen Sibelius saw fit. It's complete subversion of our Constitution. Like a bunch of mini kings with dominion over their particular area assigned to them. The EPA has been out of control. Thev've been starving farmlands of water to save the turtles & shit. They push the 'man-made global warming hoax and basically are extreme Left ideologs. You see all the real enviornmentalists pushed out. Like the founder of Greenpeace who abandoned the movement when he saw how bastardized it had become. These are the powers we Trumpsters are looking for him to help give back. The States are the ones who are supposed to decide what regulations are important to them.

See, that's where I'd have to disagree. The actions of the states affect those around them, being in such close proximity to each other. If New York decides to completely deregulate pollution it can spread to New Jersey and Pennsylvania. If Nevada decides they want to dump toxic waste into Lake Mead then that runs through the river systems of Arizona and California.

Ultimately the problems an individual state could cause is far wider reaching than just that independent state, so federal regulations are necessary. Still, that should be for congress to have the final say, not an appointed agency.

I never said Federal regulation shouldn't be done. It just shouldn't be done by unelected appointees. If Congress feels a need to regulate something then use the powers given to them and regulate ya know? But it's become a work around to avoiding Congress. By fringe Left ideologues. That's precisely why the Dems passed Obamacare like they did setting up the HHS with it's powers. All throught the bill it says something to the effect of 'as head of HHS determines'. Which now gives Trump that power with 'his' appointee.

That's the whole problem with these agencies. It becomes a back and forth Left/Right game now. Whichever Party wins apoints their people and they, all on their own begin writing new laws without the consent of the people. It's not up to them! 'That' is what effects all the States. These whackos create all kinds of problems for farmers & whatever industry the choose to hate at the moment. It's not that Republicans (and I use that term loosely because the Republican Party is almost as establishment as the Dems) but on a whole, Republicans are the only chance of getting back to the Constitution. I like to say 'Conservatives' because half the Republicans are swamp creatures too (RINOS - Republican in name only). That's why it's so much easier for Dems to shove things through and Trump can't. We're still draining the Republican swamp. Democrat voters are not draining theirs. Not sure if theirs will ever get drained though. They've moved so far Left that a lot of their voters are either disgusted with both Parties and now call themselves Independents or they took the red pill and are now Trumpsters.