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RE: Project Mockingbird: The Song of Alex Jones

I agree with Alex Jones and you are putting out fake news. I am doing a series on Alex Jones right now, still working on it. But it is a long story. And you are either misguided away from Alex or you might be a bad guy. I don't know who you are but I know too many people have lied about Alex which means too many people don't know the truth. Too many begin to believe the lies. It's a long story with thousands of points. Each point has to be studied which can take hundreds of hours to do. Each point can be interconnected with other points. Alex talked about FEMA camps for example. He mentioned that in these videos above. He talked about how the NWO were trying and are still trying to put us in them. Now they call these camps places for people with Covid can go. They can rebrand the camps but Alex was talking about them before 2010. And that is just one of many things. Alex talked about Covid back in 2000. Alex has helped people see the NWO plans, period. We all should be doing that.