Blame it on "the Virus": Who or What is Really to Blame?

in #informationwar4 years ago


Quality of hospital care has declined, food supply chains disrupted, unemployment sky-high, stimulus checks printing like mad, depression and suicide rates increasing, mass-derangement with masks and "social distancing", unrest and protests, barbers being fined for cutting hair, hikers getting tickets for going for a hike.

Is it all because of the "virus"? Or is there something else to blame? Are we doing this to ourselves? Are we TRYING to bring ourselves down a few notches? What are we doing to ourselves?

If it weren't for the Federal, State and local governments all complying with their "higher" authorities and the Media feeding the minds of the masses with fear, uncertainty and doubt, this never would have happened. The "virus" would have been no different than H1N1, or SARS or Bird Flu or Swine Flu. These are all DEADLY viruses, but somehow the "corona" or the "COVID" successfully shut down the entire world economy!

Research "Agenda 21" and understand what is happening, all in the name of "the Virus".

Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of FIVE wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!

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Usually when the blame game is playing out, I follow the money...

The money leads straight to socialized medicine, universal income, population surveillance... you know, #newnormal

Right, always follow the money!

We all ask ourselves this question.