get real

I can already tell Hive is going to make me angry

I've never paid for an account before in my life and now I'm only allowed to make 3 comments every 4 days? What the hell is that about? If you want new people to come to Hive you need to sort that shit out. Today! I tried to post this post yesterday and I coudlnt.

I've been browsing around the InformationWar and Deep Dives communities and I can already tell you there is a lot of fake truthers here.

Do you want Hive to be the Numner 1 place for the TRUTH?

Fukin... then stop giving money to people who just post other people's articles. You want to incentivise people to do the work on Hive not get money for linking something.

Same as the dudes getting money for posting their videos to 12 different places. Don't pay those guys. Save your dollars for all the people doing the work here and then you'll get more and more people doing the work here. Its very simple.

Ive been seeing some shit about how J6 was the FBI. How fucking dare you turn your back on PATRIOTS and TRUTHERS. ANyone who says that shit is a fake truther. If you think about it for more than a second it doesnt even make sense the FBI work for the government. It was patriots who have sacraficed so much for America. Theyve lost their families their friends some have lots their jobs and their communities for what they believe in and then FAKE truthers just say its was all the FBI.

Are you saying the QShaman is FBI? Hes serving a 60 month sentence right now. He spends 22 hours a day in a cell, in a room much smaller that the one youre in now (unless youre reading this in the pooper then well done). His bed is 1 inch foam on a concrete slab and he doesnt see nobody. He has sacraficed everything for all of us. He was a peaceful protestor who knows more about conciousness and the elite Saturn worshipping rituals than anybody. He talk talk for hours about it all and Hes a funny dude who has given up everything so to call him FBI is a disgrace.

The fact is as a non-violent protester the QShaman should have been pardoned by Trump but Trump is a clown who dont care about patriots. QShaman is not FBI. His been around since Pizzagate and taught us all a lot.

Some of you people on here need to check yourself real hard and Ill be bringing the real truth to you. You aint gonna like it. Your entitled to your opinion but when your opinion disgraces patriots and truthers then were gonna have words you hear me.

Ill be back when this system lets me post again


Hive operates on a system of Resource Credits (RC) which is much like the 'gas' and 'mana' of other blockchains. I'm sorry you did not have enough to interact adequately when you came here, but a polite "Please help my RC" usually brings folks willing to help. I see someone else already delegated ("loaned") you some HivePower (HP) which comes with additional RC. I will delegate a little to you, too, temporarily, so that you can get a decent start with your account.

Hive is a decentralized platform, so there is no central authority ruling things like on Facebook and other Web2 sites. The community, itself, steps up to do what needs to be done. As such, we are also "censorship resistant" and folks can say what is on their minds, which is what makes it attractive to many people. There will be many here who disagree with 'your truth' or 'my truth' but that does not prevent us from posting, as Hive is open to all. There is a certain beauty in that, if one stops to think about it. If we start shutting-down those of certain opinions, then we are no better than the centralized corporations that run Web2 sites now.

Regarding the posting of others' articles, that is definitely against our policy here and will be dealt with by the community. If you find anyone who has blatantly plagiarized and have proof of such, you are welcome to report the abuse to Hivewatchers and it will be investigated. Note that this reporting is only for plagiarism, scamming, phishing, and other such activity.

GOOD LUCK to you on Hive!

Thank you thekittygirl! Nice to meet you.

Thanks for all the tips.... I think my resource credits are fixed but if I run into trouble again where should I ask people for RC help? Like just make a post or something or ask people via a comment? The no central authority thing is great - but it might be hard for new users like me to find out where to ask help. Someone left a comment on my first post with links and a discord, is that where I should go?

I really like what you said about my truth and your truth. I know Ive got a temper about people saying things that I know aint true but I know I need to take a moment and understand that people dont have to believe me even if its obvious to me. I cant promise I wont get mad but Ill try my best to let people have their own versions of the truth. It kills me a little bit to say it but I cant fight everyone.

Yeah, the 'your truth'/'my truth' thing is difficult, sometimes, especially when one sees folks that are spreading obvious misinformation. Yet, to them, we are the ones spreading misinformation. That's when "censorship resistance" is beneficial. Also, accounts that prove to be most annoying /belligerent can be 'Muted' so one simply does not see them any more.

Probably the best place to ask for help if RC runs low again, etc. is the official HIVE Discord server. Discord is an app, similar to the old IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and the HIVE Discord is where many Hiveans go for questions, help, and such. You can access it via a stable desktop-app, a great mobile-app, or a web-browser (although that behaves a little wonky sometimes, but is a great way to quickly test it to see if you like it before downloading anything).

Thank you! Thats a really great help. I really appeciate everything youve helped me with. If I can every help you with anything please feel free to ask.

I've never paid for an account before in my life and now I'm only allowed to make 3 comments every 4 days? What the hell is that about? If you want new people to come to Hive you need to sort that shit out. Today! I tried to post this post yesterday and I coudlnt.

I have delegated you 10 hp from

Why don't you buy some hive? Here each comment or post is like a transaction and each transaction requires resources. When you hold hive power your resources recharge everyday like mana regeneration.

I would highly suggest you to learn before complaining.

Please be a little bit more respectful next time.

Just my 2 cents.

Hi Dlmmqb,

Thank you for the 10 hp.
Im frustrated because I spent $30 worth of ETH (including $12 in gas) to get this account only to post one post and a couple of comments and then the system tells me i have to wait 4 days until i'm recharged. I can spend all day on 4chan no problem at all.

How does Hive expect to get new people when youre asking people to pay for an account and then when they do they cant even post?

Thanks for teaching me about everything being a transaction that does make sense and Ill look into it but youve got to understand that if Hive wants to compete with the other sites it cant be this hard - i already feel like i made a mistake and wasted me money

How does Hive expect to get new people when youre asking people to pay for an account and then when they do they cant even post?

I made my account for free from ecency. Many of my refferals made free accounts.

I will again repeat "Learn before u complain". And be little bit more respectful towards plateforms you dont know working mechanism.

Just my 2 cents.

Im not complaining. Im explaining the trials that me as a new user is going through. If you read me first post youll see that i tried ecency, 3speak and hiveonboarding for the free accounts and none of them had any left... the only thing I could do was go through blocktrades and spend $30 ti get my account created.

Most people wont explain why their frustrated. They just leave and youll never know why. Im providing valueable insight on what Hive needs to fix for new users.

Im telling you... listen to your customers instead of just telling them their dumb

Im telling you... listen to your customers instead of just telling them their dumb

With due respect, No one called u dumb. I just adviced you to ask questions in a respectful manner. If you found I called you "dumb" then please forgive me. English is not my native language.

I am just a small user like you. Please forgive me if you think I called u dumb, I didn't mean anything like that.

Nah buddy im sorry too... theres a lot to learn about this place and i was feeling like Hive was going to be a deadend. Thank you truly for the 10HP, Ive been able to reply to your comments which I wasnt able to do yesterday. Someone posted a comment on my first post and I was angry that I couldnt say thank you to them. I appreciate you helping me.

Welcome! Sorry there's a bit of a learning curve. Transactions on Hive have a cost to the blockchain but it's "free", so there has to be some stake-based rate limiting. Like Ethereum, it wasn't as much of an issue when the network usage was lower, but it is now a bigger issue and account creation services and UIs are trying to keep up to help people out.

Thanks buddy! Im slowly understanding it. Im glad I had some crypto knowledge before getting here else I think it would have been real hard to learn. Im real excited to be here and learn new stuff and teach people stuff and share what I know about the truth.

It was wild when I couldnt reply to a nice person on my first post on my first day but I think thats fixed now.

Thanks everyone for all your help and nice comments so far I really appreciate it.

Im used to websites like 4chan and Facebook where everyone is attacking each other all the time and everyone has been real nice here and just want to let you all know that I appreciate it and Ill try not to come in so hot next time.