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RE: Infobyte: A Dirty Deed that was Done Dirt Cheap

I'm one of those people who had to learn about vaccines the hard way. Thankfully my wife and I wised up and changed the path we were on before it was too late.
If I had Steemit and friends like you 10 years ago I could have avoided a ton of stress and heart ache.
Thanks for getting this knowledge out here.


Sorry to hear it man, it's a dirty game they're playing. I just watched a documentary today on Netflix called 'The Bleeding Edge' which strongly suggests the medical device manufactures may be even worse, or even more powerful than big pharma themselves. There's really no end to it -- and it seems one should not turn a blind eye and assume they've got the patient's best interest at heart. All they wanna do is tip you upside down, shake you about, and collect the money that falls from your pockets. The hustle is so short-sided many times, that it's no wonder they've any customers at all.

I've heard the saying used to go "Jack of all trades, Master of one" instead of none.
I like they way it used to sound because it implies we should know as much as we can about everything that effects us.
It especially rings true now that w have to be our own doctors, nutritionists, farmer etc. while still trying figure out what we are actually good at, just to have a decent life.

We probably should never have lost all these skills to begin with, goes to show how much trust in the system prior generations had.

Watched that myself, some fucked-up shit going on.