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RE: A Communist Regime will Take Everything You Own, Even your Eyes if needs be ! So Keep Voting for Red Bernie and Corbyn to See Where it Will Get You!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

So I read your "history lesson" @freebornangel ! And i must say it was surprising to say the least to read this account you offer to me ? I was wondering why you are so seemingly disappointed to see that Modern Russia does indeed no longer follow the dictates and dreams laid out by Trotsky and Lenin in their Bolshevik Manifesto ?

" Speaking generally, Communism is the ideal of human equality and brotherhood. It considers the exploitation of man by man as the source of all slavery and oppression. It holds that economic inequality leads to social injustice and is the enemy of moral and intellectual progress. Communism aims at a society where classes have been abolished as a result of common ownership of the means of production and distribution. It teaches that only in a classless, solidaric commonwealth can man enjoy liberty, peace and well-being "

Communism sounds good on paper I guess to somebody that never lived it, but then you can hardly blame a Country which did indeed witness,live and die by this " Bolshevik Dream " for not wanting to hold on to its practices and follow its mantras can you ?? Or perhaps you need reminding of the stark realities incurred under this regime, namely the death toll from enforced famine in the Ukraine, Ghoulags of Siberia and by simply a bullet to the back of the head elsewhere !

As you seem to think I need a History lesson then perhaps you might take the time to read my own for you ?

" The late Rudolph Rummel, the demographer of government mass murder, estimated the human toll of twentieth-century socialism to be about 61 million in the Soviet Union, 78 million in China, and roughly 200 million worldwide. These victims perished during state-organized famines, collectivization, cultural revolutions, purges, campaigns against “unearned” income, and other devilish experiments in social engineering. In its monstrosity, this terror is unrivaled in the course of human history."taken from the page i have linked below.

Or perhaps you think that all these deaths were just an error made by a corrupted Patriarchal regime and it could have been so different if only somebody else would have been holding the reigns to lead this "great dream" revolution in human thinking and existence ??

Seems to me that the Communist Dream in reality is always a collective nightmare as it has been proven over and over again in real life in history and away from the words written on a page repeated by its indoctrinated followers ! But seems that there are still some that refuse the realities of history and just continue to beat the drum of Communism despite the Facts laid out by time and experience ! What say you ?


The part you missed, then repeatedly pointed to to prove your premise, is that what happened in russia was violent and communism, whereas what I am trying to get through the fog of your indoctrination is that communism isn't violent.
If what you are calling communism is violent, it is socialism.
Socialism, rule by violent gov't, is what happened in russia.

Now, if your current rulers allowed you to learn the truth in skool, they wouldn't be in charge very long because the people would get their pitchforks and torches out.

I know it was hard for me to face up to the fact that everything I had been taught my entire life was an intentional misdirection to obscure the escape route.
Nobody picks the exit door if you can falsely lead them to believe it is a trap.
I was several days adjusting to the fact that I am a communist.
This book is what forced the realization on me.

IF you care to read the truth about communism's history, not socialism's(skool has that covered), I can link you to some.