I definitely have to say career politicians definitely need way more repercussions.
However the next couple of years are going to be a huge change.
And you're right it's not about parties however we're stuck in a two-party system and even that's how the architecture is set up at the United States capitol.
I'm really hoping to see the rise of the libertarian as well as the Green party.
More choices and more actual advocacy for our rights would be amazing.
There's always choices. People just watch too much TV and are sucking in super saturation of information. You know they love to program the masses.
Which is the biggest worry that we need to address and we definitely need to take back control of our programming which I've been noticing is happening.
It was kind of dumb every time you turn around and see women presidents in all the TV shows and then them trying to push Hillary Clinton as the first woman president...
Everybody knows how horrible of a person Hillary Clinton is and what a scam the Clinton foundation has been.
Which the Clinton foundations trying to raise a bunch of money so that they can promote themselves and enrich themselves over pretending to help the current issue over in Ukraine.
In other news I'm opening a 501c3 non-profit for martial arts..... With all the craziness going on there is quite a bit of opportunity and blessings in this world.