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RE: Is This Demonic Possession, Disease, or Mind Control?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

My two cents is that there have been plenty of movies and shows where there is a strange outside vector that can control men's actions. There was "The Thing" and then in the "X-Files," there was the Black Oil.

Now, both of those vectors were alien and fictional but, there is a rare one out of Africa(?) that iirc gets into say probably ant brains and controls them until there is nothing left to control.

The thing with people is, it's hard to pass the blood-brain barrier.

All that is what I know off the top of my head. I would need to research the "ant" thing. I'm pretty sure it happens to ants. Recall too that people have been being possessed since time immemorial or at least since the time of the Nephilim. The demons have never needed a vector to access a person to my knowledge. Rituals and Drugs but not something like Strep.

Strep is also a hugely common issue for children. It's already highly contagious and is always prescribed something. Being that it is also connected to tonsilitis and that and the MSM article you cited says "violence in some children," I tend to think the issue is organic. That is to say, some kids are already crazy bc Murica, Capitalism, Sugar, etc and because the kids are very much treated to "me" culture and little consequences.

I think that is the Occam's Razor/Common Sense Approach even if I covered a lot of bases. If there really is a persistent change in the child's personality that is not rectified in a month or two, I suppose it could be a spreadable autism-like problem.

Whether it was engineered or not, no one is ever going to know. Strep is too common.

Interesting to learn TruthStream Media is on Vimeo. They torched and possibly banned a short book I read on Christianity in The Third Reich.

BitChute though it needs probably two more rollouts.

Autism is pretty strange in it's effects. There's a piece every year or so about the autistic savant even though last I saw they say by 2025 one in two children could have it. I've maybe seen one muttering like two conversations to himself and I was going to say something to him but his dad was basically fuck off and my Dad was there to witness it.

Another time I was at the doctor's office. The kid with it was like an Americanized Spanish kid from a movie and he too was speaking two conversations or at least two languages, one in English and one in Spanish. I was like HOL UP and I answered him after I figured out what he said in Spanish. The handler didn't like that... It happend.


Those autistic kids having a conversation with themselves
in two different languages is very creepy. I never heard of it
before. I had strep throat a bunch when I was young too. So
this new phenomenon, I'm going to have to research it
more as it seems to have manifested from out of the blue.Wow, thanks for the indepth feedback @froyoempire.

I need to look at it more too. Shhaaa... If you can't tell, I'm a skeptic and I have a good ear. It's been a hobby for a few years to listen to those in the Truth and the Conspiracy Community for logical inconsistencies. Frankly, I'm on the fence about TruthStream. I don't think they're hucksters themselves, I just think they get carried away.

To clarify, the Spanish kid was speaking English and Spanish. The other kid, a White kid was talking to himself in two very similar voices or affects. I assume they were both autistic or at least spergs but I honestly can't say for certain.

At the same time, while it is my hobby or release to listen to conspiracy/truth stuff, I try to stay more with "Alt Right" and Revisionist History because though it's counter-intuitive to some people, it's easier to get to the brass tacks truth. The community is much tighter too. In my mind, I've never seen Morgellons even though people like Jeff Rense were Alarmist about it 10-15 years ago.

Thanks for the kind words. I'll have to get over to Vimeo again and setup a new account. I've noticed there is some higher end content over there. The YouTube Algo's are killing me...

I had done a reading of a short book on "Positive Christianity in the Third Reich." Positive just meant traditional and non-cultish to the Nazi. It was explanatory and did not glorify anything "Nazi Evil." It's like the only firsthand writing from the period. I digress. I wonder what they'll think of a quick leafing through Albert Pike's Moral's and Dogma.


I think TSM is solid and on point 80-90% of the time. I don't focus too much on Christianity nor do I resonate with the alt-right when it comes to exclusionary ideologies. Although, I'm sure they can be related in some circumstances. Anywho, I think we're all just people trying to make it on this rock for better or for worse.

I don't pay much attention to race anymore than I do to hair color. Granted sometimes with race culture can be associated. However, that's a whole other ball of wax. I think culture effects people more than race does because culture is the cult in which we are raised.

Take a black male and raise him in a white culture and or a white male and raise him in a black culture it's highly unlikely that he will reflect the culture of his racial demographic. So in that sense I think the third reich was off base in their assessment of people, and obviously their treatment of people.

Now if we're talking about culture wars, culture is indeed very different. However, it's not skin color that defines people in my opinion. Rather, that's just the after effect. It's like if all tall people were bred and raised to play basketball you might think that all tall people play basketball.

However, it's in accurate if you consider the fact that each and every individual is an individual. I may have gotten off of the conversation a bit, it took me a while to respond to this because I wanted to convey my discontent with 'third reich' ideology without being a dick about it. And that's just my discontentment with the third reich, and not Christianity in and of itself.

So yeah this probably opened a can of worms, but I'm game if you are.

My computer has been down. I'm not gonna try to figure out how we got here. I see you said you were being polite. It seems it. Hope to see you around for now. I'll upvote your work if I like it. I hope you'll do the same.

There's knowing, thinking and proving among other things. With that couple, I just say watch out. I mean even if they're not malefactors and whoever else is not a malefactor, some things, whatever things are just wastes of time. In general, I think most YouTubers that are big in more palatable conspiracies are either dishonest or whacky or both. The same with Christian content makers too.

Some things are more entertaining than important is what I'm saying.

I believe they are sending infiltrators to merge then steer Truth and annie Semitism at this point in some capacity. Adam Green is legit in so far that he's honest but others are not. I could sit here and dictate this and that, tell you I can tell a liar by their mannerisms and voice(which I can to some extent, speech patterns too) but... you know, that's not how it works and it doesn't work that way in Fash or NatSoc either...

All that is to say watch out. The longer you're into it, the politics etc., you go through some phases, hopefully trending upward.

Hail Trending upward ;)

Of course I'll upvote your work if I like it. Christian or not, I'm not too concerned with someone's belief system just so long as they respect the liberty of others to believe however they want. With all the different religions out there, there are so many subsects and offshoots. To me I don't see a big difference between religious belief systems and cults. It's early programming that can radically effect how a person thinks and behaves, possibly for the rest of their lives. Hail falls from the sky, trending downward, for the most part. (ツ)_/¯

As a Christian. I am an honest man, I have to be. I am also NatSoc. I honestly thought that's what we were talking about. It'd be weaselly not to say that. As I said though, respect, and limits on this platform. I'm more of a "content of their character racist...


Hmm.. yeah, I'm not into either NatSoc or racism.