The part you missed, then repeatedly pointed to to prove your premise, is that what happened in russia was violent and communism, whereas what I am trying to get through the fog of your indoctrination is that communism isn't violent.
If what you are calling communism is violent, it is socialism.
Socialism, rule by violent gov't, is what happened in russia.
Now, if your current rulers allowed you to learn the truth in skool, they wouldn't be in charge very long because the people would get their pitchforks and torches out.
I know it was hard for me to face up to the fact that everything I had been taught my entire life was an intentional misdirection to obscure the escape route.
Nobody picks the exit door if you can falsely lead them to believe it is a trap.
I was several days adjusting to the fact that I am a communist.
This book is what forced the realization on me.
IF you care to read the truth about communism's history, not socialism's(skool has that covered), I can link you to some.