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RE: Reality Indeed is Stranger Than Fiction – Thoughts on Western Propaganda 2020

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Madonna is an openly initiate into Kabbalah. Gematria is a huge part of that astrotheology.

62 Madonna.PNG

62 Plague.PNG62 Disease.PNG

62 Sacrifice Greek.PNG

26 Madonna.PNG26 Virus.PNG
26 Disease.PNG26 Plague.PNG
26 Crown.PNG62 Crown.PNG

From the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 final to the announcement of the Coronavirus Pandemic is a span of 9 months and 23 days.

From Eurovision Song Contest 2019 final to Coronavirus pandemic 9m 23d 923.PNG

I have written often about this important "Golden Gate" number, on my channel @flauwy.apx. The Golden Gate is coming from Egyptian sun worship and probably goes back way further. Osiris, bother and husband of Isis, rules the "Gate of God", through which the souls after death exit this reality. Today we know, that this Golden Gate is in fact the actual center of the galaxy, the central black hole of the Milky Way. There is a huge coding around the Golden Gate in politics, Hollywood, Music industry and deaths of hundreds of important people.

9/11/2001 is reduced to 9/2/3.

APX September Eleven Attacks 923 266 Golden Gate.jpg

9/23 is the 266th day of the year, reflecting the position of the Golden Gate between 1939 and 2010 on the ecliptic. Pope Francis is the 266th Pope, crowned on 3/13/13, which is 2/6/6 in prime numbers. He was born with the Sun at 266°.

APX Golden Gate Pope Francis 266.jpg

923 days after his crownation, he visited the USA, to speak on 9/23 at exactly 9:23am to the public.

Even crazier, 23/9, the same day written how its done in most parts of the world, equals "Golden Gate" in gematria, in the probably most significant cipher.

239 Golden Gate.PNG

There are tons of connections to the current Pandemic and the 911 symbolism. Revelation 9:11 is the Golden ratio cut of the book of revelations, its closest approximation of Phi.

APX Revelation 911 Golden Ratio Verse.jpg

The pandemic was announced EXACTLY 222 months after 9/11. On its midpoint, exactly 111 months after 9/11 and exactly 111 months before the pandemic, the Golden Gate moved into the 267° on the ecliptic, due to the procession of the equinox.

APX September Eleven Attacks 911 Golden Gate 267° 111 CoronavirusPandemic 222 Months.jpg

I could go on but you'll find most of my work on @flauwy.apx. It makes sense to go back to the first posts and dig your way through, if you want to understand it better.


amazing comment! Thanks a lot!
Yes, I know about and love gematria. Definitely not as much as you do. This indeed is pretty clear. :)
So, what's your belief? Are they succesful? Because I fell like they're losing it. Otherwise, our chancellor (Merkel) is wearing blue all the time. That's the royal color of victory.

The other day, I wrote a post called "Are we winning a cold war we're not even aware of". Today while cooking I thought about my next article which I might call: "Are we losing a cold war, we just yet became aware of?"

What's your take on it?
Go, gonna read yours now!