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RE: Hey fluoridated urban zombies...Don't blame we conservatives because YOU ARE too lackadaiscal to get safe water.

Bravo and well said my friend, I too am at a loss as to why the vast majority of citizens are so ignorant and naively wonder through life with a "herd mentality." WE as intelligent human beings must begin to start "opening our eyes wide" and also be much more diligent at evaluating legitimate "factual information" {truth} versus "miss information" {lies}. We owe it not only to ourselves, but also to our children and future generations. Whether it be reading and understanding food labels of vaccinations. Speaking of which, have you ever had a look at the chemical constituents in an immunization. Have a look and then do a thorough search on google of each ingredient. You'll not only be shocked but I hope so stunned that you'll never again consider immunizing your children, or yourself for that matter.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours in abundant optimal health & well-being
firstinhealth Personal Training & Integrative Health Consultancy


Well said! Thanks for your solid thoughts and for taking the time to share them.