
Hi Troy,

Have you happened to notice what they're doing to my blog? Hope all is well with you and yours, brother!

No what are they doing?

Every post-- that is less than $.08 at the time-- is being "grayed out" by downvoters...every one. I have taken the only step left to me to fight the HF21-enabled downvoting, re-posting anything they gray out.

I hate doing it, but they've given me no choice.

Is this just you or everyone?

@bloom, in particular, is now here just to downvote me. At least he never seems to downvote anyone else, and downvotes me about 15 times a day.

Others, are being just as systematically abused by others, and they are starting (some of them--or at least saying they soon will) to fight back the same way...reposting.

The whales don't like it for sure. They want us to just shut up and accept it.