Twin Peaks: Dr. Jacoby Was Right

in #informationwar5 years ago

I found an old post that's more relevant than ever during these trying times:
I wonder how long this Steemit link will be non-broken...

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And the fucks are at it again!
Fuck you who betray the people you were elected to help!
We're sheep to these monsters, and they don't give a shit!
We grow our wool, and just when we're getting warm,
they come along with their electric clippers and shear our wool off,
and we're just naked, screaming little fucks!
No wool for us!
Freezing and hungry!
In the night. In the dark. And they don't give a shit!
Then when we get sick, the pharmaceutical companies make billions!
They own the fucking hospitals. Filled to the brim.
They own the morgues! They own the embalming fluids!
They own the mortuaries, the graveyards! These fucks!

Hm yep, couldn't have said it better myself.

Good job, David Lynch, you incomprehensible psycho.

Don't worry, we all get $1200 soon™

Oh except wait, not only is that not enough money to bail out the middle and lower class, it's also not coming until April or even May. Oh shoot, did someone forget to mention to the politicians that rent is due on the 1st?

Who loses in this situation?

Well, mostly it's the middle class.

Welcome to the lower class, bitches!

Laws that do not get enforced are no longer laws. Do you think we have enough cops to even evict people who don't pay rent during this crisis? Not only that, the government is straight up saying: "Hey! Don't evict people!"

So guess who loses?

The people that own the property. Poor people already know how to be poor, friends. It's the people who have something to lose that are going to lose it. There are also plenty of upper class folks out there who are going to get jacked as well. There's plenty of money out there (inheritance dynasties) that have no idea how to navigate a bear market, especially one of this magnitude. Dumb money gets fleeced.


Deflation to set in.

I went to Winco (grocery store) yesterday around 7PM for the first time since the bull shit went down. Didn't have to wait in line to get in, so that was nice. I bought a bag of apples that normally would have been $4-$5 for $2. I bought a pineapple for $2. There were a couple other deals as well.

Things get cheaper when the upper-middle class is strapped for cash.

I was even able to buy a package of toilet paper. They had two left (in the back not on the shelves). I bought one. I'm not a dipshit.


Imagine when the stores gets restocked. Not only are they going to restock, they are going to overstock. This means all the stupid shit that people have been buying out are going to fishtail the other way on the supply/demand spectrum.

Even in the face of insane inflation by the Fed, the value of the dollar is gaining purchasing power.



winco-flour (1).jpg


Cleaned out bulk bins? No one EVER uses the bulk bins. They just pass right on by 99% of the time. Cleaned out flour? What are you going to do with it? The butter is still there. Everyone's making bread now? The fuck?

Everything being bought out today is going to be cheap as shit tomorrow.

Assuming there aren't supply line issues.... Everyone already has a year supply of toilet paper and flour apparently. Who's ready for some fire sales?

Fun fact:

I learned from the checkout clerk that Gamestop is in serious shit. Apparently their corporate office printed out official-looking statements that they are an "essential service" so the cops wouldn't shut them down. LOL, they were fucked before and now they are double douche fucked.

The government will avoid creating people who have nothing to lose at all costs.

People who have nothing to lose start riots. People who have nothing to lose go on shooting rampages. People need their alcohol and their Netflix. Keep them sedated. The middle class has plenty to lose. Fuck um.

Guess what I did today?



Sold another Steem powerdown for the same price as it was last week. It's absolutely amazing how the price is being propped up. If I end up getting over $5000 of "free money" because the market is being held up my Sun, trading-bots, and the #sct community, I'm gonna laugh my ass off. I really can't see that happening, but then again I really couldn't see this happening either... It's already happened...

Two powerdowns and I'm 0.16 Bitcoin richer?

Thanks suckers!

Meanwhile, Hive is trading at 29 cents. So much hype. So much development. So much money yet to be transferred from Steem to Hive. Expect a pump/dump for sure over the next 4-12 weeks.


In case you haven't heard the wallet on works now!

Learn to Swim!



damn double post... trolled.

Great speech. Thanks for sharing it. I'd never have seen it otherwise.

Make sure to copy/paste that comment for every other blog you read.

Feel free to check if I've ever posted that comment anywhere else, or ever will. You're a bit cynical, I note. I'll chalk it up to being overwhelmed by trying times, and having too often been inundated with 'Good Post' comments in the past.

You should probably follow me, just to keep tabs on me. ;)