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RE: Project Mockingbird: The Song of Alex Jones

in #informationwar3 years ago

I don't like terms like EVERYONE, NOONE, NEVER, etc. Absolutes. They are usually wrong.

I can't say whether what you are saying is true or not as I don't know what "everyone" else is saying.

I'd say he does tend to be right about the cutting edge stuff more than anyone I can think of for the moment. Other people tend to lag behind him about a week, a month, and sometimes even years before they come around to what he was talking about and ridiculed for.

I think the world would be in far worse shape than it already is if it was not for Alex Jones and Infowars/Prison Planet. He exposed some stuff and countered some plans by doing so quite a few times.

I started paying attention to him not long after 9/11. Infowars didn't actually exist yet it was all on Prison Planet back then.


Infowars had a website going back to 1999, you can see evidence of this on the Wayback Machine and Infowars was a company that was first registered in 1999. Prison Planet was a website that started after Infowars. Eventually, Prison Planet went on to have a forum on it, it started growing in popularity.

Yeah I think you are right. They were just pushing Prison Planet a lot more at the time. Then they went back to using Infowars which I think is a better name. The name was registered but they were not really taking advantage of it a lot.

Prison Planet had a forum when I saw it. It was a year or two after 9/11 so either 2002 or 2003 when I started visiting it, buying the documentaries, etc.

By the way, Alex Jones is on Friday Night Tight Live on YouTube right now: