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RE: Good news post regarding Syria & Tom Duggan - fund raiser steemit styly.

I want to, I have been following him since I got on here, I am still trying to work out a way I can support him also. Give me a few days to come up with something.


Its the future of news.
For the risks they take we dont do much to support them.
Too bad they dont make latte art, or makeup how to's.

"WE"? I think I am. If only they did eh, like most things in life, people want it served on a plate served warm in front of a tv set, in a living room.

I was referring to those other than us in this collective we find ourselves in. (Some of us do find ourselves.)
As a community of folks seeking to escape this paradigm for something better its clear that all of us should contribute to spread the load.
Getting that plate served takes a team, some people can only contribute money, but that is what makes teamwork so successful.
We must facilitate success in the old paying for the construction of the new.