you post garbage from multiple narratives and try to string them together without providing any throughline or reasoning.
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you post garbage from multiple narratives and try to string them together without providing any throughline or reasoning.
Do you have an inner dialog?
Your NPC memes are tired and ironic, considering you're the one incapable of stringing together an actual point.
Are you projecting again?
You should replace your icon with a sad face version of the one you have for a bit LMAO!!!!
Did you vote for Bloomberg? You should be happy he won.
Also I am making fun of the shit show that is going down right now. I dont have the burden of having to defend this bullshit. I have been pointing out how shit this is since before 2016.
Your entire party is fucking collapsing horrifically. And its very funny.
why do you keep saying "your" party? Since when have I ever claimed allegiance to democrats?
OMFG, you endlessly go on about how I am a far right extremist but god forbid I call you a leftist. Fuck you HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
But... you didn't call me a leftist? You said the Democratic (right wing) party was "my" party... get your conspiracy theories straight before posting!
Bernie is a fucking democrat you fucking moron!!!
edit : Anyway, if Bernie is right wing now then I think Ill go ahead and be done with you forever.
Just know, you got absolutely fucking destroyed and no amount of cope is going to help. You cant say shit. If the bet was still going you might as well have gave me my fucking money.
He's actually an independent, which is why he is so wildly popular.
Well, hes not going to be president! Who sure as fuck wont be running against Trump! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
You are fucking destroyed right now.
and also, liking a democrat means I love the entire party? What logic is that?
The logic is, your party is 100% fucked at this point. Enjoy the collapse that I told you about for so long.
Hows this communism thing working out for ya? Having fun yet?
I almost feel bad for you... But its like, you were "above it all" like a week ago now your like OMG RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!!!!!
MUH BERNIE!!!!!!!!
Hey don't worry I got the official results of the caucus.
Dramatic voice :
I just read this part:
what the fuck are you on, bro?
Sarcasm. Its for smart people so you wont really understand.
How is that sarcastic?
You are so fucking lucky I decided not to take your 2000 steem. I am a fucking saint for not cleaning your dumbass out.
Hows that inner dialog? Do you have a voice you can talk to in your head?
What is it saying about the fact the dems completely fucked up in the most amazingly bad way possible ever in the history of American politics last night?
PLEASE RESPOND! And take pictures

Who are the members of shadow Inc?
This is so fucking amazing. I don't even know how you can still exist on the internet for weeks after this. You acted like you had this shit so figured out then boom I was 100% right the entire time
Trump technically won the democrat primaries do to write in votes!
What were you "100% right" about? Huh?
That Bernie was fucked and will never win. That Trump is easily 2020.
Oh my fucking god you piece of shit you better not be pulling some kind of selective dementia on me. Bitch look at this.
Yep except it wasn't Biden, it was ButtJudge LMAO!!!
Who the fuck is out of touch now? After this shit its likely the Dems will eat whoever is nominated alive. Trump is objectively better than any of this bullshit.
YOU WERE DESTROYED and you have no room to say shit to me about this ever again. Sit in the corner and cry. And be super fucking thankful I decided to not take your fucking 2k steem.
The problem is I think the mode of cope you went into is that you fucking pretending you never said anything. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I was destroyed? How? Bernie won Iowa, what destroyed me? Do you need help? Are you lost? November is still 9 months away, what are you talking about?
Also, the republicans delayed final caucus results for 2 weeks in 2012, just some information for you.
Hey do you remember all of those times you acted like a total fucking dumbass and "made fun of me" when I told you how this shit was going to play out? Well it turns out things were even worse than I imagined and I was even more right than I originally thought!!
Who is delusional now?
Say it! Cmon!
When did you claim that Pete would buy the election? And when did I claim there would be no election issues? Who do you think you're talking to? This is truly bizarre.
This is not a fucking election issue dumbass its the literally end of anyone taking the dems seriously probably ever again. This shit is going to cause so much division its insane.
The party is fucking dead. And I did say that if Bernie was likely to win they would schlong him somehow. I didn't know how it would happen but I knew it would!
So what you're saying is, I didn't say what you're pretending that I'm saying, and that somehow, the democratic party being corrupt is NEWS? As If we didn't know this from 2016 and back? Again, this is bizarre stuff.