Glenn McConnell tries smoothin over the water by explainin that pakeha is mispercevd as an insult so is not a racist slur. Yeah mate. We know the history. Its not intended as racist slur tho intenshuns dont matter aye mate. Its considred respect to use the terms peeple self-label. If we want tru treety partnrship then basic respect mattrs. Maybe respect for others dont matter to yu so go for gold. Use get to make the mistake one or two times before lack of manners is there.
That many white aotearoans dont like the term p***a then we shld stop use it unless disrepect is intended. Sumtimes disrepect is intensionally.
Like many maori i hv some white ancestors. Most of them nevr self identified as p****a. Got to honor the tipuna aye.
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