Shortage of Medicines in Venezuela

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Ministry of Health: 16 tons of medicines arrive in the country for more than 400 thousand patients.

In the following POST I want to deny a news that the president of Venezuela has sent to all Venezuelans and people in the world, I want you to have the point of view of a Venezuelan who is still living in the country, who will day suffers the crisis and has to endure this series of lies that the president of Venezuela has been dedicated to develop in recent years, unfortunately the digital newspaper that the public is largely obliged to publish this type of news.

The shipment of medicines will be distributed for a period of three months, especially in 18 hospitals located in Sucre, Lara, Zulia, Delta Amacuro, Amazonas, Bolívar, Monagas, among others.

A total of 16 tons of drugs will be distributed in the national territory for more than 400 thousand patients for a period of three months, reported the Ministry for Health.

This batch of medicines arrived in the country this week, within the framework of cooperation between the national government and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), reported AVN.

A press release states that 40 kits will be sent to 18 hospitals that have been prioritized and are located in the states of Sucre, Lara, Zulia, Delta Amacuro, Amazonas, Bolivar, Monagas, among others.




On this occasion, the number of healthcare facilities that receive this endowment is increased, taking into account that in the previous delivery were 11 health institutions to which they were delivered, according to information from the Government.



The ministry stressed that in the course of three months, the inventory will be replenished to "guarantee the protection" of the Venezuelan population.

He also stressed that despite the supposed "economic blockade" to which Venezuela has been "submitted" by the United States government and its international allies, the Executive makes "efforts" to acquire medicines and medical supplies.

"I would like those people who are not from Venezuela to read this kind of publications, give us their support, the truth is that when we publish this type of publications we want to get to you and give you the best information of what is happening in Venezuela".

Link of the Page used as Source El Universal

Analysis and Summary of the Publication

In Venezuela the number of hospitals and outpatient clinics is so great that in every corner of the country we can find a health group, but what can not be found are medicines, there is a high percentage of medicines in the country that I can assure you that 76% of the country does not have medicines and the places that do have medicines for sale sell them at very high prices, since unfortunately in the country we do not have any supply of medicines.

A few days ago I went to the biggest pharmacy in my city to buy some headache pills, and as I was expecting I did not find anything for the headache, I had to go by bus to two 2 hours of my community to see if I could find them when I arrived at one of the pharmacies I could find the pills but at a crazy price the box of pills was priced at 900Bs.S ($ 10), take into account that the minimum salary in Venezuela is 1,800Bs. That is 50% of my salary.



It's incredible that to be able to buy some simple headache pills in Venezuela is something so difficult.

Hospitals are in a serious situation, since they do not have even 25% of the supply of medicines they need to treat millions of patients who come to these hospitals every day, without forgetting that not only do they need basic medicines, but also medical supplies , from surgical gloves to medical machinery.

It is very serious what is happening in the country, 43% of doctors have left their jobs because the salary they earn does not reach them at all and in many cases a good percentage of doctors do not pay on time and they last for months without receiving your payment.



Medical professionals have held demonstrations for months in rejection of the crisis and shortage of medicines in Venezuela, have taken the decision not to attend hospitals until the government meets their payment and bring medical supplies to all hospitals and clinics in the country .

Imagine a country where they can not be treated by a doctor, imagine going to a pharmacy and not find the medicine they need.

Thousands of people have died due to lack of medication, and thousands of others for lack of medical supplies in hospitals, many of these families affected by the shortage of medicines have opted to travel to the border with the country of Colombia to go to buy the medicine they need, where they have had to travel for more than 24 hours with the concern that their family member does not die, due to the lack of this medication.

This situation is sad, millions of Venezuelans live with fear and with their hearts in their mouths and look with despair for this crisis to end.

Thank you very much for reading my POST I hope you liked it and come back at the next opportunity.

This Publication is a translation of the Spanish into the English language of the website El Universal, The objective of making these translations is to bring the entire Steemit Community the best content found in the Spanish language.


Page Used as Reference, Support and Source: El Universal

Do not forget to visit the page: El Universal For more information regarding the World of News


I've seen how catastrophic govts like yours can be - in Tanzania, there was a time that not only you could not buy medicines, or light bulbs or toilet paper, I remember the case of a woman who owned a hotel. Foreign visitors would know to bring toothpaste, shampoo and soap with them and when leaving, they could not be bothered to take it back with them.

She was arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison for keeping the soap for her own use. They said it belonged to the State, not to her...

I sorrow for all those suffering; this goes beyond grieving just for children, for all ages are starving and dying.

I wish I could do more to help, but whenever I see a post by someone from Venezuela, I make a point od upvoting and expressing my sympathy. It is all I can do.

It is unfortunate, but it is the reality of all Venezuelans who suffer this crisis and the lack of medicines in hospitals that are killing Venezuelans, we have 20 years in this situation where a government that calls itself a SOCIALIST is killing an entire country .

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my publication, thank you very much. @arthur.grafo