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RE: HELP! ARE YOU NEXT?? My Twitter Account Just Restricted. Are you kidding me??? I post NOTHING offensive, only Liberty/Crypto content. Oh wait.....

Tagged with the @informationwar tag for lots of reasons.

I had to leave to go help someone with something for an hour or so


I still can't figure out is EON is a coin, an operating system, or what???

EOS you mean right?

I have re posted regularly an #EOS101 overview of it, because all the new people arriving daily need to see things.... hang on a sec.

EON... in my Binance wallet I have an equal number of something called EON

EON is not showing up in CoinMarketCap -- I just checked.

It's in my Binance wallet... also mentioned in the chart on the EOS report you did yesterday.

Just got in from my self imposed physio, ran into a guy on the trail who had similar stuff happen to him as me, and he also was an elite level athlete at one point.

I like it when The Rich Gets Richer.

See what I did there??

That was good... I'm just happy when the Rich can pay his bills!!!

Oh, what you were mentioning to me the last couple days in our other chats? Or is this a new one now today LOL

That is why I sent you the airdrop links/posts/updates, it would tell you in those resources if it was an EOS drop or not, I have not looked myself.

What I CAN say is I have seen others talking about an airdop in their Binance wallet from EOS, showing up.... sounds like it might be similar.

We are seeing coins and projects merging and becoming MORE than just one or 2 things, it is part of the revolution.

If you never saw this I ran once a week for ?? weeks --- check this TLDR overview of EOS, hope it helps you.

We are seeing things of value crossing over and being 2 or more things buddy.