There is no Half the people when only 1/3 is registered to vote and not everyone even shows up, and the approval ratings of congress HAVE reached single digits.
The main myth that needs dispelling is that the UNITED STATES is a Government, when the UNITED STATES is nothing but a Foreign, Mostly Foreign Ran, Corporation. They are not government but in charge of government services, they swear oaths to a Corporate charter, the United States Constitution, and not the Federal Constitution of 1868 or the actual Constitution for the united(adj) States of America. It's all Semantic Deceit, research the Glossa and Justinian Deception. There is nothing more essential on the subject of truth than making these distinctions so that we at least have a clear understanding of the real problem, we can clearly see the false dichotomy of left vs right with the temporary employee the president as the face of it all yet if we assume that they are something they aren't then they are gonna laugh at you all the way to the bank.
I wasn't talking about voting or even participation, Just people whining or cheering alternately.
I reckon we're all autarchs in actuality, although we play plebs in real life.
Good to see you commenting. Have you been well?