The coins are still there on the database. Just fork Steem from right before the 23.0 fork and everybody can get their coins back.
So the coins are still there, except that they aren't, except that the coins only exist in a point in time that is irrelevancy itself, a place that exists only conceptually because in reality, those coins are gone, as is evidenced by exploring the current state of the network.
That new fork would be the legitimate chain, but I don't see anyone putting any work in that direction because it is easier to complain.
Except that it would require the chain to do the unthinkable and forget about witnesses, forget about the rule set that defines the state, and to simply be recompiled by a rogue element that having neither the stake to legitimize their fork before the rest of the network nor the capacity to actually run the fork, but regardless, they will be the legitimate chain, because. No. The theft is not a system glitch that can be rolled back, and no, the chain will not be recognized at all as legitimate if transactions are nullified so that it can be rolled back, and no, that will not bring back the coins in any useful capacity. The fact that you're calling people lazy for adamantly opposing the inane notions that nothing was lost or that no theft happened only posits you as a tool, a moronic nonthought, and says absolutely nothing about me, only about you, mainly that to you, Theft is a matter of debate, to you, stressing that Theft is Theft, is actually a circular logic. No moron, Theft is Theft isn't any kind of argument, it's a way to emphasize that IT IS THEFT.
What do you think about the Hive blockchain, which is itself a fork of Steem and which utilizes the exact same mechanics (and essentially code) as HF23?
You wouldn't rollback HF23, you would restart the chain running Steem 22.X and use that as a starting point. The blockchain isn't being roll-backed, it would be resumed at the point where the alternative chain HF23 is split off. That's how forks work in Proof-of-Stake blockchains. If you consider Steem 23 as the official chain based off of consensus than you are admitting that Proof-of-Stake chains are terribly weak at securing people's money. If we have to "obey" consensus like folks like yourself seem so interested in doing, then sure, the Steem "community" agreed to "steal" from the particular subset of forks that had their tokens moved from their accounts.