Father of World Wide Web Launches Radical Startup to Take Back the Internet from Google & Facebook

Recently I made a comment about this, under somebody's post (I do not recall which post). I found this article aggain and realised it may be of interest to many, so here goes:
(Matt Agorist) A revolutionary startup was recently announced by the “father of the world wide web” which plans to radically decentralize the internet to give it back to the people.
.....he’s long been at work on a new project to take the web back, described in depth by the business technology magazine Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/90243936/exclusive-tim-berners-lee-tells-us-his-radical-new-plan-to-upend-the-world-wide-web
This week, Berners-Lee will launch, Inrupt, a startup that he has been building, in stealth mode, for the past nine months. Backed by Glasswing Ventures, its mission is to turbocharge a broader movement afoot, among developers around the world, to decentralize the web and take back power from the forces that have profited from centralizing it. In other words, it’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon.

Apart from the effects on Big Tech as mentioned in the articles, I wonder what the ripple effects will be. Will they expand to affect the MSM? At the least, their stranglehold on the news market should be broken. As to whether they can continue to survive on providing a diet of Fake news, is anyone's guess. Those who are funding them, just how deeply are they willing to be bled?
Here is the source link, which is well worth reading, even if you are not technically minded:
Link for Inrupt: https://www.inrupt.com/

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)13th November, 2018
- posted on Steemit: 13th November, 2018
Look in to Mesh nets too.
It is very interesting - thank you. Need to study it now and see if I can do one of them
I had heard rumbling sounds about this, and note the web is already being backward launched from places like where I live, via small dish receivers, so even if it is cut off, anyone with a dish and a neighbor within 50 miles that has the same dish will remain connected, to everyone else on the link.
I first heard of something like this about two years ago and it was being called the 'community web'. I prefer the new name, as 'community' makes it sound, in these days, too 'leftie'.
I'd love to take part in launching it in South Africa, but I am not clear on how it would be done. Oh well, someone will do it and we will not need the 5G crap they want to kill us with. Maybe someone like @dragonslayer101 can do it - would love for it to be someone from Steemit.
I am involved in it over here, so if they want to know how, I am ya man. :-)
I talked with my friend who is in IT and he offered to do it with me as a partner, if it can earn to pay for itself. I have not understood it well enough to answer him. What is the answer?
Here is the photo of today (as promised to a certain lady) as I sat with friend and brother to celebrate my 75th year.
If you click on 'View Image' or you save it, the pic is much bigger than you see here.
PS: If she looks at the baby photo again, she'll see how I have reverted so that I am starting to resemble the way I looked then :)))
Here is an article I think you might find of interest:
Superb photo my friend, though daughter is in bed at the moment.
Many happy returns of the day, not sure if you use such a term there?
I shall take a look at that site thank you, though I never answered on the Mandela effect as I spent a few days looking at it, and for me everything is as it was.
It looks like the drop in value is badly affecting the ROI from smartmarket (spent 2.10 and earned 1.68, Before the 25% is deducted for curation! - for example)
Perhaps I should stop for a few days.
(I was interested to see there is a poster buying over $120 per post of one photo! She is looking for trouble, as someone is going to start to flag her)
She is onto a loser big time then. And yes, the external price is making it less worth doing, though if it rebounds it could be a winner on the way back up.