Ah, this is why India is right and you should ignore the whining moslems

#002: It is time we fight to save our own - and that is what India has taken the first steps to do. It is important we toss out this PC nonsense as the weapon being used against us, so that we can think clearly and see how dangerous the situation is for all of us, whatever our beliefs, if we are not moslems.

There is no such thing thing as 'islamophobia' - there is only such a thing as 'islamic hatred of all who are not moslems'

There is no such thing thing as 'islam - religion of peace - there is only such a thing as 'islamic hatred of all who are not moslems - as they tell us'

Do not expect the MSM to tell you the truth. Look at who owns them and you will see why they either suppress the news or lie about it. Also, listen to what the corrupt people of Hollywood say and you can automatically guess that the truth is the opposite of what they say. Stop permitting them to keep you crippled with emotional arguments which are not based on facts. It is a fact that you need to breathe, whatever emotional arguments are used to prove it is otherwise.

Dare to search for the real news - it is available, but you must have the courage to take off the blinkers they crippled you with at school and at the university.

Read all the Koran (not just the 'nice' parts, read the parts they do not want you to read) so as to see what it actually says - it is not easy to find translated 'honest' copies on the web. Stop thinking you know the truth because someone told you this or that...go to the source and read what islam itself says about you and your future. (here is a pdf copy, including the Koran in English, that I found on torrent, as the globs have banned it (are you like me, do you find the banned books are usually the ones that teach you the truth?): https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/30516512/Mohammed_s_Koran__Why_Muslims_Kill_For_Islam_-Tommy_Robinson_

As shown in a news report (I quote):

Now you can see why India is fast-tracking citizenship applications from religious minorities being persecuted in Muslim countries

January 7, 2020 by BareNakedIslam
Here’s an example of the brutality that Sikhs are forced to endure in Pakistan. A Sikh priest’s daughter was abducted, and forcibly converted to Islam by Mohammad Hassan. In the video you can see the brother of Hassan spewing vile threats towards the shrine and all Sikh’s living in Pakistan.

As we have seen over the past few weeks, Muslims in India are rioting over the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) which gives Indian citizenship priority to religious minorities - Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Christians - who are being persecuted by Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistans and Bangladesh.

When you see how non-Muslims are treated in Pakistan, you’ll wonder why India didn’t force the exchange of its Muslims for all the Hindus who were in Pakistan when it was created

The moslems in India are raping girls, forcing conversion and causing damage and....
...and the moslems DARE to whine about the govt creating camps to hold the troublemakers!!!

The only thing wrong with what is happening is that this should have happened years ago!

Here is a link to the article: https://barenakedislam.com/2020/01/07/now-you-can-see-why-india-is-fast-tracking-citizenship-applications-from-religious-minorities-being-persecuted-in-muslim-countries/

My belief in Free Speech is my Shield

Do not miss out, if you have not read the first version of this post, check it - there is some interesting info about steemit and who are the new elite getting richer, while we grow more and more slowly


Am I being nasty when I point out the truth?

Was this Imam being nasty when he pointed out the truth (an older post of mine)


Wow you are really a hypocritical faggot who with his many accounts downvoted me yet you agree with me about muslime invaders. Get a grip on yourself fool. Who are you going into war with over a comment that only tinfoil hats believe. What a moron

I had the decency to take a look at your blog page and I saw that we agree on many things. I have done my best to support Tommy and Waters in fighting the invasion of Britain. I have done my best to fight the globs and those who support them.

I have had friends and family plead with me to back off and I have had someone (on Gab) threaten me (an extremist right wing who seems to hate everyone, even the British origin posters) that he knows where I live and he is coming to get me. I asked him to let me know when he arrives at the airport so as to meet him, as it can get difficult to find me if he has to search.

Then along comes you with your insults AND flags. All you have done is insult and rant, without trying to debate the points you disagree with. Still, I asked you to remove your flag and you refused.

If you are pro vaccination, that is your right and I would not attack you. As a matter of fact, I mostly am against anybody taking the right to order me to vaccinate my child. It is only my right and that is what I am mostly fighting. I would have thought, after seeing your own posts, that you would have the same attitude as to others taking away your rights.

Of course I will flag you in return (not with all my accounts, only 2 of them) and I muted you on some of my accounts. I left a door open in case you calm down and want to talk.

It is such a pity, instead of us working together to save our countries and those we love, you chose to fight me. I still do not understand why.

That's exactly what I feel about you. I only said, it's just senseless conspiracy theory. Which is most probably true, now that I saw your posts I don't want to argue about things that we don't agree. For which you started a long reply with screenshots and ranting about how low steem i have. Which is not my point here. I used to have a page with over 40k likes which has been deleted due to mass reporting by muslime terrorists and liberal retards. This is the continuation of that page and I been a Tommy Robinson supporter for 3 years.

The post you flagged, it did me no harm, as I have set all rewards to go to a beneficiary. I was mostly upset at him being penalised. Check the end of that post and you will see who and why. Trusting you will reverse it, I am doing so with all my flags...if I miss one, let me know.

For my political posts, I almost always post them on https://steemit.com/@arthur.grafo

The rest are for my stories (which I do not think you will enjoy).

I used to have a page with over 40k likes which has been deleted

take pride in that you were deleted.

Let's hope we can stop the bastards who are destroying our families and countries....