The global fightback against utterly failed and tyrannical COVID policies is now in full swing with the UK, parts of Israel and Republican States in the US leading the way.
While many countries including most of Africa and much of South America did little or nothing in response to COVID and continued on without problems, the "advanced economies" made the fatal error of declaring war on a respiratory disease.
Instead of rejecting the approach of the tyrannical control freak dictators in Beijing, they blindly followed it.
Every devastating policy error and draconian human rights violation flowed from the arrogance and hubris of governments thinking they could control a contagious respiratory disease, especially one which had no impact on the vast majority of people.
Fighting an unwinnable war
The worst thing you can do is declare war on an unbeatable enemy - you are certain to lose!!
The massive destruction wrought will be entirely self inflicted.
So we have seen a litany of catastrophically failed policies that have cause enormous collateral damage for no medical benefit.
This is outlined in detail in this excellent open letter from a leading Israeli immunologist which has received wide coverage both locally and internationally.
At the end of the day, governments have no business in trying to control diseases - their only legitimate role is to provide appropriate medical care for the sick (and this can be done by the private sector).
The moment they move from healing the sick individual to imposing restrictions on large numbers of people they violate the Hypocratic Oath - "First Do no Harm" and violate everyone's medical privacy and bodily autonomy.
Testing is the root of all evil.
It is actually the least intrusive and apparently minor aspect of the COVID Tyranny that is actually the most pernicious - testing people who are not sick!
The only legitimate use of testing is to provide correct diagnosis an individual who is actually seriously sick and in need of treatment and where consent is given to use the information in treatment.
Any other use, and especially the testing of perfectly healthy people, is abuse of private medical data and immoral and illegal discrimination on the basis of medical status.
It is also an enormous waste of money that should go into more hospital beds for the actually sick.
Who has learned the lessons of the Holocaust
When evil rises in the world some countries quickly join the side of evil tyranny and others fight for justice and truth.
Its interesting to compare the behavior of countries in this COVID Tyranny to their conduct in The Holocaust.
Nazis then and Nazis Now!
Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Netherlands and much of western Europe.
The New Nazis!
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and China
The Nordic resistance countries
Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark (more recently)
Free and neutral
Mexico and much of South America
Ignoring it
Most of Africa
Learned its WWII Lessons
Less tyrannical than many "liberal democracies"
Russia and its near abroad.
Leading the fightback against insanity
UK, Republican US States, increasing elements of Israel (although Israel was guilty of some of the worst behavior early on when it went into war mode).
Please vote for my Hive witness. (KeyChain or HiveSigner)
You can't use this test even for the sick to get a correct diagnosis. The test is literally useless which even some of the agencies admit at this point. Otherwise I agree that the testing is pernicious, perhaps even more so with the uselessness of the test.
The truth will win. This website has some good stats
A shit show, a true shit show... sad times 😞
As I note below current events reflect the discriminatory laws, scapegoating, de-personing censorship and forcing people out of jobs and society that occurred in the period 1935-1938.
Indeed these appalling developments have occurred at roughly twice the speed as back then.
We are certainly not yet in 1940 or 1942 but we must speak out now to stop this evil tyranny in its tracks.
Here in NY Cory I cant enter any biz because I don’t have a vaccine pass. It’s full on fascist. You see this data? Camps coming. It’s going to get far worse and I see it being a very fair comparison to early 1930’s Europe. It doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow boil. Look at the propaganda used in early 1930’s Germany. Comparing the whole story to today makes little sense. You must compete where we are to a point along the way like 1932 Germany. It’s going very similar my friend.
I agree... How can you compare the genocide of over 11 million people to health measures adopted by countries to combat a global pandemic...weaponizing the Holocaust to attack those policies is not accurate and not really good judgement by the OP. It's a perversion of history to reflect his narrative and trivializes the memories of victims and survivors. To be honest the end of this post is sickening.
As an Israeli Jew whose wife lost much of her family in the Holocaust in Poland and who has studied the Holocaust extensively I am perfectly entitled and qualified to make this comparison and it is quite accurate that the current situation reflects the discriminatory laws, scapegoating, de-personing that occurred in the period 1935-1938 and prepared the ground for the Final Solution that commenced only in 1942.
Many Israeli Jews have made this comparison including actual Holocaust survivors.
Indeed the global use of this comparison was initiated by Israeli Jews well aware of both the sensitivities but also the stark reality that the same thing was happening again.
I see... don't think I called out that you have no right to use the analogy, more so should you use it. I married into a Jewish family whose grandparents were lucky to have escaped Poland (Ivansk). They lost most family lines but we had an uncle (passed away a couple of years ago) who was a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buna, Dora-Mittelbau and Bergen-Belsen death camps. He lived with that tattoo on his arm for the rest of his life. It was a constant reminder to him and all of us.
I don't see much support for using the comparison. Conversely, I do see many organizations and survivors calling for a stop to using it as a comparative. Obviously, you are free to choose to continue to use it.
As a side note, the first law persecuting the Jews was in 1933... would be interesting to see a comparison of the more than 400 decrees and regulations imposed by the Nazi regime on those that had no choice. Then compare them to the current mandates on those that have the freedom to choose.
There is no freedom to choose when massive coercion is involved.
It is quite clear now in Israel that the jab is an utter failure. Rates of serious cases for Omicron are identical irrespective of how many jabs you've had (zero, two, three or even four).
The jab clearly doesn't stop transmission either as its run wild everywhere including places with very high jab rates.
As a side note, German Jews actually did have a choice to give the Nazis half their assets and move to Israel where the value of those assets was a trade credit from the Yishuv to Germany. A huge amount of capital which established the state was transferred this way.
If you went anywhere else the Nazis took all your money,
Because that’s how it started. You aren’t comparing fair points. You don’t compare today to 1945. You compare to how it started in early 1930’s… look at these stats.
Good info here also
Do people actually read the information or just watch videos and repost whatever supports a specific narrative? It's hard to take heavily unbiased surveys seriously when the primary purpose of the survey is to bolster one political view over another, clearly.
Case in point ...
Yet, in the same vain 67% of likely voters oppose. So, removing the political biases, the majority of the survey population is not in favour. Looking at just the LV column the nuance of the survey changes drastically.
Data breakdown of the survey results from the report
In my mind, anything that clearly foists data to support one ideology over another should be thrown out. The data and questions are usually forced to support the narrative. It's a biased World. I have to say the stuff coming out of the States is not helping the World at all.
Check this out ⬆️
Oh boy, there's a lot of dramatic hyperbole in that video. I don't agree with fines or taxes for people that choose to not vaccinate. At the same time, how do you mitigate the resource and financial crunch that is killing our hospitals largely because people choose not to vaccinate?
You respectfully aren’t at all up on stats. I’m moving on since U are not willing to do some research. I understand it’s easy to get emotional about this but some basic research would show there’s no literally no over sample or unvaccinated compared to vaccinated in hospitals. In many it’s different he opposite. Have you researched it? Have u talked to nurses? People in hospitals who can discuss this and what stats the media isn’t talking about? Without u doing this I just don’t see point in talking more about this. I part respectfully and with no bad will towards you. Have a good weekend
Sure there's always common ground. Just think it's a slippery slope to allow unchallenged comparisons as above. What's going on now is in no way directly comparable to what happened then. Maybe it's tongue in cheek, still in poor taste.