The small town at the tip of Sumatera named Banda Aceh and also the capital of the province of Aceh has some uniqueness that reflect the life of society based on Islamic Law and also some tourism potential that you can visit.
And these are some shots that represent the beauty and uniqueness of Banda Aceh :
A famous landmark, Baiturrahman Grand Masjid currently with a new giant umbrella.
Baiturrahman Grand Masjid's Minerate
Muslims gathering in the park at night. Very commited and faithful people, often praying upto 5 times a days and last month was Ramadhan that they are all, i mean all, are fasting every day from 5am to 7pm(sahur until iftar) which includes food, drink, cigarettes and well.. everything.. :D
Bettle nut everyone?
No alcohol in Banda Aceh so everyone drinks coffee and coffee shops are the place to hang out at night. The city is full of them and most with free Wi-Fi and a big screen for the big football matches. I loved it :D.
Acehnese Traditional House
Lhoknga Beach with the French Cement factory "Lafarge" chewing into the mountain
Traditional fishing boats
Most roads are well paved and looked like this. Great to ride along with fences made by natural vegetation.
Riding along and I fronth this. we both just stared each other for ages, but i called his bluff and slipped passed.
Love the rice fields and their little shacks.
And the jungle clad mountains that back the whole coastline. This is part of the Leuser Ecosystem which is under threat from industrial and illegal logging, poaching of wildlife and lots of mining.
Some villages names and their population before the tsunami and the number that were killed on that dreadful day, 13 years ago.
The famous house where the Tsunami footage was taken from.
Mainland with Pulau Nasi and Breuh in the background. Hiked for 1 hour up a hill and climbed a transmission tower to take this shot!
A small village tucked away in a forest of green.
The large tree survived from tsunami.
And some friendly faces.
Some of those photos i took in Aceh Besar district.
Leave a comment for suggestions or may be there are incorrect explanations or words. Steem On..!

Banda aceh memang ok :)
Great post !!!! Thanks for sharing
U're welcome bro kemal.. :), thank for coming to my account.. 😆
Amazing, , ,
I ran out of words
i'm pretty sure that u doesn't read my article.. 😕
Great post.
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