Adolescence is the period in which an individual undergoes a transition from one stage to the next stage and changes good emotions, body, interests, behavior patterns, and also full of problems (Hurlock, 1998). Therefore, teens are very vulnerable once experiencing psychosocial problems, i.e. the psychic or psychological problems that arise as a result of the occurrence of social change (TP-KJM, 2002). Adolescence is a period in the life of a human being who reach age nor his role is often not very clear. Puberty who once were considered a sign of early adolescence turned out to be no longer valid as a benchmark or restrictions for reasons of age pubertal adolescents designation that
occurs at the end of age to teens (15-18) is now happening in the early teens even before the age of 11. A child aged 10 years might have been already (or are) experiencing puberitas however does not mean he has to say as a teen and ready to face the world of adults. He is not yet ready to face the real world of adults, although at the same time he also not children anymore. In contrast to the toddler's development clearly measurable, teens barely has a pattern of development that is for sure. In the process they often become confused because sometimes treated as children but at other times they are required to be independent and adult. Teens and drug abuse is very rampant.
Drugs (an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic substances and other harmful Addictive Ingredients) are substances which, if dimasuk right in the human body, either in oral/drunk, inhaled, or disuntikan, can transform the mind, mood or feeling, and the person's behavior. Drugs can cause dependence (adiksi) physical and psychological. Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plant crops or not, whether synthetic or semi synthetic that can cause a decrease or alteration of consciousness, loss of the sense of pain and can lead to dependency.
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This is very nice and good review of mission that you believe . I like you mission and message in your post. Steemit is the way for good positive work
thank you @ flysky, you are a very caring person for the environment, and you always support my post, again I thank you.
Thank you @hr1