INDONESIA: Red white fluttering / INDONESIA : Merah putih berkibar / 2 Languages.

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians.
This morning I will tell you about the red white fluttering on Monday.
As the title above, reminds us of the meaning of an independence.Independence is not gained easily. The freedom is not gained through the granting of independence from other countries, but freedom is obtained through the bloodshed of the Indonesian people to gain Indonesian independence. In today's age, we are not required to war, but we are required to fulfill independence by Learning and doing the positive thing.With ceremony every Monday, the student knows the meaning of the struggle of the people of Indonesia 72 years ago.
Thus the meaning of the flag ceremony that we carry out every Monday.I will share some photoes about flag ceremony in this morning.






May it be useful.
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Hi steemians.
Pagi ini saya akan menampilkan tentang kegiatan merah putih berkibar di hari Senin..
Sesuai judul di atas,mengingatkan kepada kita tentang arti sebuah kemerdekaan.Kemerdekaan tidak didapat dengan mudah.kemerdekam tidak didapat melalui pemberian kemerdekaan dari negara lain,tapi kemerdekaan didapat melalui pertumpahan darah rakyat indonesia untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan Indonesia.Di zaman sekarang ini,kita tidak dituntut untuk berperang,tapi kita dituntut memgisi kemerdekaan dengan Belajar dan melakukan sesuatu yang bersifat positif.Dengan pelaksanaan upacara setiap hari Senin,maka taulah kita arti dan makna dari perjuangan rakyat Indonesia 72 tahun yang lalu.
Demikianlah makna upacara bendera yang kita laksanakan setiap hari Senin.Saya akan membagikan beberapa foto upacara bendera pagi iniSemoga bermanfaat.
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Newmember in steemit thank's

Thank you very much.If you @yuna say new comer.I am a new comet to.I just suggest to not despair ini writing,because in every our post,offcouse be paid.It depend on how good we write,how understand we in following the role as new comet.Please you come to my post,three you will see my object.Sometime they pay us cheaply,otherwise they pay expensive of our writing is good and can be understand for reader.I think only that I can tell you,but remember I am a new comer too.Thank you have shared to me.May it useful for us.

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Thank You - @blueorgy

Nice post! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much @mcnamara.I try doing the best in every my object I send.exprience is very important not only between you and me,but also for the others.Without sharing experience we don't know our weakness.So,if I have trouble in writing a object to send in post,please remember me and Temindung me so that I don't feel satisfied with I write.Thank you have shared to me.

Waaoooouuu beautiful pictures! @safran

Thank you very much@bankhai.I keep trying to give the best day per day.sometime I get difficult ini looking for a good objek.I think today is Monday,so I try to be the best with all by flag ceremony.I think this is good komentar to post it.When you give comment good interpersonal my post,I be happy
I hope the next day I will post better object.remembet me of I forget to vote your more thank you very much.


Thank you very much.I hope you always give comment ini every my post come.If you think my post is not good,please giving your suggestion so that I can change my inject to be better.Let keep sharing.If I forget to come to your post,please remember me.I make that objet to remember young generation appreciate their Hero in getting independence through flag ceremony every Monday.That is why I post that object friend.

Great post about your country's flag and independence.

Thank you @parmjit.I try to follow everyone who come to my post.But sometimes I forget to do it.may be it is part of my weakness as human being.Please remember me of i forget.Only this I can say to you.May it useful.