SANDAL ini tidak terbuat dari kulit asli dan bukan merk ternama, sehingga harganya sangat terjangkau.
Pun demikian kami memberi garansi sandal ini bisa tahan seumur hidup, bahkan bisa diwarisi hingga 7 (tujuh) keturunan.
The sandals is not made of genuine leather and not a famous brand, but the price is very affordable.
However we’ve warranted this sandal can last a lifetime, and then you can be inherited (saved) to offspring 7 (seventh).
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Nice to meet you
the best and amazing
I would like to express my gratitude. #steemians My name is yus, account name @yusrizal, I Come From Aceh (Indonesia) I Say Welcome And Happy For You Here #steemitor #eSteem. Vote @good-karma As Our Witness. Do not Forget Follow Me Also @yusrizal
I’m fine, nice to meet too
Telah kami upvote yah..
Oke, terimakasih banyak