Ketika di media sosial orang-orang masih sibuk mengomentari pembukaan Asian games 2018, para atlet Indonesia pun sibuk berjuang agar nama Indonesia tetap berjaya. Meskipun belum mampu menyaingi kedudukan China yang berada paling atas, Indonesia tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata.
Kabar demi kabar pun bermunculan di lini massa. Perolehan medali dari tiap cabang olahraga pun sedikit demi sedikit terkumpul. Betapa bangganya kita karena ada atlet yang masih terus berjuang demi Indonesia. Tuan rumah tidak boleh membuat malu bangsa sendiri meskipun lagi-lagi belum berada di posisi paling atas.
Kali ini ada berita bahagia datang dari Tim Nasional Paralayang di Asian Games 2018. Persembahan medali emas dan perak untuk Indonesia datang dari cabang olahraga satu ini. Sebagai guru olahraga, patut saya ikut berbangga karena lagi-lagi atlet terus bejuang memberikan sumbangsih terbaik untuk bangsanya.
Tim Paralayang Indonesia, khususnya beregu putra, yang beranggotakan Hening Paradigma, Thomas Widyananto, Rony Pratama, dan Jafro Megaranto ini berhasil merebut medali emas. Setelah melewati 6 round dengan hasil yang sempurna, medali emas pun menjadi kebanggaan di mata dunia.
Tak hanya berbangga dengan regu putera, Tim Nasional Paralayang dari tim puteri pun tidak bisa dilupakan. Sebab, tim puteri berhasil memberikan medali perak untuk Indonesia. Tim Paralayang Puteri ini beranggotakan Lis Andriana, Rika Wijayanti, dan Ike Ayu Wulandari.
Sungguh prestasi yang perlu kita banggakan dengan terus memberikan dukungan pada Tim Nasional Indonesia yang berlaga di Asian Games 2018, daripada sibuk komentar yang tidak bermanfaat di media sosial.
Lomba Paralayang Asian Games 2018 ini diselenggarakan di Puncak Mas, Bogor, Jawa Barat pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2018 lalu. Dan kebanggaan Indonesia makin perlu di-euforia-kan karena cabang olahraga Paralayang ini adalah pertama kalinya dimasukkan dalam ajang Asian Games.
Hal ini pun ditegaskan lagi oleh Wakil Ketua Umum KONI, Mayor Jenderal TNI Purn. Suwarno tentang cabang olahraga paralayang memang baru di Asian Games 2018 ini dimasukkan sebagai salah satu cabang yang diperlombakan.
Sekali lagi, kita bangga Indonesia punya banyak sumber daya manusia yang bisa diandalkan di segala bidang. Dan olahraga menjadi salah satu bidang dengan segudang atltet unggul di dalamnya. Jadi, masihkah kita perlu ribut di media sosial untuk hal tidak penting dari Asian Games 2018?#
When on social media, people are still busy commenting on the opening of 2018 Asian Games, Indonesian athletes are busy struggling so that the name of Indonesia remains victorious. Although it has not been able to compete with China's top position, Indonesia cannot be underestimated.
News after word appeared in the mass line. Achievement of medals from each sport was gradually collected. How proud we are because there are athletes who are still fighting for Indonesia. The host should not embarrass their own nation even though again they are not in the top position.
This time there is happy news coming from the Paragliding National Team at the 2018 Asian Games. The gold and silver medal offerings for Indonesia come from this sport. As a sports teacher, I should be proud because athletes continue to fight to give the best contribution to their nation.
The Indonesian Paragliding Team, especially the men's team, consisting of Hening Paradigma, Thomas Widyananto, Rony Pratama, and Jafro Megaranto won gold medals. After passing 6 rounds with perfect results, the gold medal became a pride in the eyes of the world.
Not only proud of the male team, the Parallel National Team from the women's team cannot be forgotten. Because, the women's team managed to give a silver medal for Indonesia. The Female Paragliding Team consists of Lis Andriana, Rika Wijayanti, and Ike Ayu Wulandari.
What an achievement that we need to be proud of by continuing to provide support to the Indonesian National Team competing in the 2018 Asian Games, rather than busy useless comments on social media.
The 2018 Asian Games Parallel Competition was held in Puncak Mas, Bogor, West Java on August 22, 2018. And Indonesia's pride needs to be euphoric because this Paragliding sport is the first time to be included in the Asian Games. This was confirmed again by the KONI Deputy Chairperson, Maj. Gen. Ret. Suwarno about the new paragliding sport at the 2018 Asian Games was included as one of the contested branches.
Once again, we are proud that Indonesia has many human resources that can be relied on in all fields. And sports become one of the fields with a myriad of athlete superior in it. So, do we still need to make a fuss on social media for something insignificant from the 2018 Asian Games?
When on social media, people are still busy commenting on the opening of 2018 Asian Games, Indonesian athletes are busy struggling so that the name of Indonesia remains victorious. Although it has not been able to compete with China's top position, Indonesia cannot be underestimated.
News after word appeared in the mass line. Achievement of medals from each sport was gradually collected. How proud we are because there are athletes who are still fighting for Indonesia. The host should not embarrass their own nation even though again they are not in the top position.
This time there is happy news coming from the Paragliding National Team at the 2018 Asian Games. The gold and silver medal offerings for Indonesia come from this sport. As a sports teacher, I should be proud because athletes continue to fight to give the best contribution to their nation.
The Indonesian Paragliding Team, especially the men's team, consisting of Hening Paradigma, Thomas Widyananto, Rony Pratama, and Jafro Megaranto won gold medals. After passing 6 rounds with perfect results, the gold medal became a pride in the eyes of the world.
Not only proud of the male team, the Parallel National Team from the women's team cannot be forgotten. Because, the women's team managed to give a silver medal for Indonesia. The Female Paragliding Team consists of Lis Andriana, Rika Wijayanti, and Ike Ayu Wulandari.
What an achievement that we need to be proud of by continuing to provide support to the Indonesian National Team competing in the 2018 Asian Games, rather than busy useless comments on social media.
The 2018 Asian Games Parallel Competition was held in Puncak Mas, Bogor, West Java on August 22, 2018. And Indonesia's pride needs to be euphoric because this Paragliding sport is the first time to be included in the Asian Games. This was confirmed again by the KONI Deputy Chairperson, Maj. Gen. Ret. Suwarno about the new paragliding sport at the 2018 Asian Games was included as one of the contested branches.
Once again, we are proud that Indonesia has many human resources that can be relied on in all fields. And sports become one of the fields with a myriad of athlete superior in it. So, do we still need to make a fuss on social media for something insignificant from the 2018 Asian Games?
Selamat kepada Tim Indonesia Yang Meraih Emas, Kita Doakan Indonesia Bisa Meraih Emas Sebanyak Mungkin dan Bisaa Mencapai Posisi Pertama Atau Kedua.
Salam Sukses Bersama Untuk Indonesia. Dan Kita Doakan Juga Tim Pak Guru Kita @owner99 Selalu Sukses dimanapun Bertugas..Amin Ya Allah..
Salam sukses untuk semua bangsa indonesia yang diberkati oleh ALLAH, semoga dimudahkan semua urusan dan kelancaran dalam setiap tugas dan pekerjaan. Amin..
Terimakasih guree.
Amin sama2 Abangda @owner99 . insyaAllah troh lagee ban hajat
Semoga peringkat negara kita Indonesia terus berada pada rangking 10 besar.
Amin, semoga dimasa yang akan datang akan lebih banyak atlet daerah yang bermunculan untuk mengharumkan nama bangsa ini menjadi lebih dikenal oleh semua bangsa didunia. Bravo indonesia
Wow..The Indonesian paragliding team presented the country’s the sixth gold in the 2018 Asian Games after they outclassed 14 other teams in the final round of the men's team accuracy at Gunung Mas, Puncak, Bogor, on Wednesday. Really great achievement. Congrats Team.
Hari Senin 27 Agustus, Nurul Akmal putri asal Aceh yang tampil di cabang angkat besi bang @owner99
wow... selamat buat tim indonesia, semoga kedepan menjadi lebih baik lag @owner99
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