History of Aceh

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)
  • good night my steemit friend tonight post photo plane history between aceh and indonesia.
  • Great nation is a nation that does not forget its history. The Indonesian nation was born from a long and tiring struggle, as well as aceh even longer and more at stake. The spirit of the people of Aceh, to help the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia not only with the energy and mind but also material, one of which is the Dakota type aircraft with my number RI-001 named Seulawah purchased from the money donated by the people of Aceh.
    This is proof as far as Aceh with Indonesia.


On June 16, 1948 President Soekarno met with a number of important Acehnese figures at the Aceh hotel, a president who does have an aura of encouragement and patriotism to inspire the desire of the Acehnese people to participate in building Indonesia Raya by inflaming their wealth for the sake of real independence. From the results of the donation was collected 20kg of gold under the committee Djuned Yusuf and Said Muhammad Alhabsji

  • This monument became a symbol that the contribution of the people of Aceh was great for the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia in its early establishment.

By @muna1


Tinggal kenangan. Berharap pemerintah RI memerhatikan warga Aceh pemberi hutang untuk beli pesawat itu saat perjuangan doeloe

friend, im very love with aceh, please help me to upvote hehe

sekarang bnyak brmunculan surat obligasi dmana mana, smoga kita slalu dalam lindungan ALLAH SWT..,

@muna1 jangan lpa singgah keblog saya ya.., trimakasih by @muftii